Tag: Amnesty International

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Propagandist for Syria Terror Proxies Compromised Amnesty International, Leaked Docs Show
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Propagandist for Syria Terror Proxies Compromised Amnesty International, Leaked Docs Show
February 14, 2022

Amnesty International was listed as a client of a professional propagandist for Syrian terror groups backed by the UK and US governments – the same militias once condemned by Amnesty.

Facebook: Genocide Is Cool but Don’t Threaten Our Profits
February 20, 2021

“Facebook’s willingness to block credible news sources also stands in sharp distinction to the company’s poor track record in addressing the spread of hateful content and disinformation on the platform.”

Facebook: Genocide Is Cool but Don’t Threaten Our Profits
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Why Did Amnesty UK, Bellingcat and White Helmets Sabotage Roger Waters Webinar on Corporate Pollution?
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Why Did Amnesty UK, Bellingcat and White Helmets Sabotage Roger Waters Webinar on Corporate Pollution?
October 14, 2020

The Grayzone obtained audio of a call in which Roger Waters confronted Amnesty leadership over efforts by Syria regime-change operatives – including its own staff –  to sabotage an Amazon Watch webinar on Chevron’s pollution of Ecuador.

Western Media’s Favorite Hong Kong ‘Freedom Struggle Writer’ Is American ex-Amnesty Staffer In Yellowface
August 9, 2020

A prominent Hong Kong pundit and anti-China activist named Kong Tsung-gan has become a go-to source for Western media. An investigation by The Grayzone confirms Kong as a fake identity employed by an American teacher who’s a ubiquitous figure at local protests.

Western Media’s Favorite Hong Kong ‘Freedom Struggle Writer’ Is American ex-Amnesty Staffer In Yellowface
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A Generation Deleted: American Bombs in Yemen Are Costing an Entire Generation Their Future
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A Generation Deleted: American Bombs in Yemen Are Costing an Entire Generation Their Future
October 9, 2019

As a new school year begins in Yemen, Ahmed AbdulKareem investigates the impact that American weapons have had on the war-torn country’s schoolchildren.

Trump’s Foreign Policy: Choosing Enemies Very Selectively
June 26, 2019

Trump’s Washington intends to destroy Cuba in order to save it from lack of democracy, while energetically supporting Saudi Arabia (and many others) in spite of their total lack of democracy.

Trump’s Foreign Policy: Choosing Enemies Very Selectively
US Remains in Denial About How Many Civilians They Killed in Iraq and Syria
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US Remains in Denial About How Many Civilians They Killed in Iraq and Syria
June 4, 2019

The U.S.-led coalition that launched airstrikes against Iraq and Syria against ISIS admitted Friday that those attacks killed civilians, but the number they reported—1,302 deaths in a nearly five-year period—was immediately dismissed as too low by the human rights organization Amnesty International. 

A “Death Trap” in Raqqa: Amnesty Finds U.S.-Led Coalition Killed More Than 1,600 Syrian Civilians
April 30, 2019

The coalition launched thousands of airstrikes and tens of thousands of artillery strikes on the city. U.S. troops fired more artillery into Raqqa than anywhere since the Vietnam War.

A “Death Trap” in Raqqa: Amnesty Finds U.S.-Led Coalition Killed More Than 1,600 Syrian Civilians