Tag: Amazon

Como extensión del poder imperial estadounidense, las corporaciones tecnológicas estadounidenses están ansiosas por apoyar las atrocidades israelíes.

Protecting democracy and the Constitution from Donald Trump and the “MAGA extremists” is a major theme of President Biden’s reelection campaign. As is often the case in American politics, President Biden is just as, if not more, guilty of posing an “existential threat” to the Constitution as those he smears as “extremists.” For example, President Biden and members of his administration have waged a campaign to undermine the First Amendment by “encouraging” companies to suppress the expression of “unapproved” views online.

Las trabajadoras y trabajadores de este gigante de la logística lanzaron una petición al interior de la empresa, el 3 de noviembre, donde denuncian los crímenes de la ocupación y señalan claramente que se trata de un genocidio contra el pueblo palestino. Hacen responsable a Amazon por suministrar servicios tecnológicos y de inteligencia artificial al Estado de Israel con el contrato Nimbus.

By Jessica BUXBAUM As Google and Amazon employees fight back against the tech giants’ Israeli military contract, college graduates have also joined the resistance. Amid Israel’s assault on Gaza and occupied East Jerusalem in May 2021, Amazon Web Services (AWS) […]