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Escenarios de la guerra total ¿Cómo se comportará América Latina y el Caribe?
Escenarios de la guerra total ¿Cómo se comportará América Latina y el Caribe?
July 28, 2024

Jhosman Barbosa se enfoca en esta última entrega en especular sobre el lugar y comportamiento de Latinoamérica en un escenario de guerra mundial.

Morales’ Socialist Party Wins Election
October 22, 2020

A victory for the majority of Bolivians, a victory for the world’s poor, the indigenous, and supporters of equality, world peace, bread and land for all. October 19 exit polls show that the majority’s leader, Luis Arce, and running mate David Choquehuanca Céspedes, won the election.

Morales’ Socialist Party Wins Election
Editor's Сhoice
Why US Wreaks Havoc in Latin America?
Why US Wreaks Havoc in Latin America?
August 26, 2015

The pursuit of hegemony is part and parcel of US policy in Latin America. Any attempt to take independent foreign policy decisions by a Latin America state is perceived by the White House as a challenge. The Obama administration has applied great efforts to destabilize the governments and countries in the Western Hemisphere that refuse to dance to the Washington’s tune…

Latin America against U.S. Aggression in Syria
September 3, 2013

Venezuelan Member of Parliament Adel el-Zabayar, a Syrian by descent, lost no time in returning to his homeland. Zabayar explained to his friends in the Arab Federation in Venezuela, of which he is the president, that the time has come for all patriots in the Arab world to take arms to defend Syria from the threat of aggression. Many immigrants from Arab countries in Latin America have followed his example. Without publicizing their plans, they are arriving in Syria by various routes. The formation of the first battalion of volunteer fighters from Latin America is almost complete…

Latin America against U.S. Aggression in Syria
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Post-Chavez Latin America Will Continue to Drift Away from the US
Post-Chavez Latin America Will Continue to Drift Away from the US
April 1, 2013

Many questions are arising about what direction the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Latin America will take now that Hugo Chavez has died of cancer… Chavez made Venezuela pursue a regional agenda as an anti-hegemonic force working to reduce the regional influence of the United States. Just as Simon Bolivar realized, while in exile in Jamaica in 1815, that Venezuela’s freedom could only be attained through a hemispheric pan-Latin American project, so did Chavez…

Latin American Perspective on US-Invented Open Government
April 16, 2012

…There is a strong tendency in Latin America to interpret the advancement of the Open Government Partnership as a subversive operation leading to the infiltration of government agencies across the continent by Washington's NGO “experts” and, ultimately, to the formation of parallel administrations in Latin American countries. In the countries subscribing to the project, the agents will be given the right to influence the official decision-making, to reorient national policies, and to press for appointments of their candidates to government posts. At the bottom line of the Open Government Partnership, the affected nations will see the governance functions in their countries withdrawn from legitimate authorities and passed to the global centers of control.

Latin American Perspective on US-Invented Open Government
Latin America under surveillance of US Southcom
Latin America under surveillance of US Southcom
April 9, 2012

Militarization of the US foreign policy on global scale is an obvious fact. It concerns Latin America as much as it concerns other parts of the world… Pentagon is preparing to the radical worsening of the operational situation in the Western hemisphere… Washington seriously takes Teheran’s words about a counterstrike if the US attacks Iran. It is likely that Iran meant “retaliation groups” which could be formed expecting H-hour…

Destabilizing Arsenals Concealed in US Embassies
April 2, 2012

Outwardly, the U.S. Administration pledges not to resort to military force to displace the ALBA governments in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, or Cuba, but in reality Washington's efforts to undermine them are a constant background of the continent's political picture… As the fresh experience of Libya showed with utmost clarity, Washington's new brand of color revolutions will – in contrast to the former coups which used to be accompanied with outpourings of pacifist rhetoric – involve ferocious fighting and massive fatalities…

Destabilizing Arsenals Concealed in US Embassies