Tag: al-Maliki

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Iraq on Brink of Civil War
Iraq on Brink of Civil War
January 15, 2014

…Iraq is not the only country threatened by Islam religious strife. The conflict between Sunnis and Shiites is a strategic absurd – the war without winners. The United States is responsible for inciting the conflict. Its interventions in Afghanistan, and then in Iraq, tipped the delicate balance of forces and provoked the regional competition between Riyadh and Tehran, which strives for dominance in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has nothing but sand and oil, it imports foodstuffs and water, its chances to win in the fight against Iran are negligibly small…

Fallujah: Obama’s Newest Headache
January 9, 2014

Guernica in the Spanish civil war, My Lai in the Vietnam War, Guantanamo Bay in the war on terror – these have been powerful symbols. The siege of Fallujah in May 2004 stands out in the Iraq War as the bloodiest battle that the United States fought since the Vietnam War. The US Marines suffered 40 deaths in the siege, while Iraqi civilian casualties were in the hundreds. The US forces reportedly used F-16 warplanes to blitz residential areas in Fallujah with cluster bombs. The majority of prisoners were executed…

Fallujah: Obama’s Newest Headache
Iraq: A Seething Boiler About to Explode
Iraq: A Seething Boiler About to Explode
September 2, 2013

The pressure in the boiler which Western officials affectedly call «the new democratic Iraq» is building steadily and, figuratively speaking, the needle has entered the red zone. The deepening crisis is systemic in nature, encompasses the most important areas of life and undermines the foundations of statehood… While in 2011 4,147 people in Iraq were killed as a result of terrorist attacks, since the beginning of 2013 over 5,600 people have already been killed, more than in all of 2012 (4574); this is the highest figure since 2008. Since April – May 2013, every week there have been no less than 200 acts of terrorism and armed attacks, with numerous victims…

Ahmadinejad: Is All Quiet in Baghdad?
July 26, 2013

The strategic partnership which arose between Baghdad and Tehran in 2008 was Ahmadinejad's accomplishment… By this summer a situation had formed where the interests of the anti-Syrian and anti-Iranian coalitions… Neither the removal of the current government nor the division of Iraq could please Tehran; either of these cases would be a strategic defeat, and the outcome of the Syrian conflict would once again be hanging by a thread… Ahmadinejad's visit to Baghdad two weeks before the end of his presidential term is a sign of the Iranian leadership's serious concern about the situation which has arisen literally over the past few months.

Ahmadinejad: Is All Quiet in Baghdad?
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Iraq’s Fragmentation and the Turkish Overreach
Iraq’s Fragmentation and the Turkish Overreach
February 24, 2013

…Ankara is offering to Erbil the honeypot of vastly increased revenues from oil exports through Turkey from northern Iraq and flourishing Turkish trade and investments in Kurdistan… Clearly, Turkey hopes that in the fullness of time, its much bigger economy would integrate and assimilate Kurdistan… Simply put, Turkish regional policies are increasingly feeding into the Shia-Sunni tensions fostered by Saudi Arabia and Qatar across the Middle East… To be sure, Iraq is also becoming a turf where Turkey’s rivalries with Iran are playing out and Ankara resents the Baghdad-Tehran axis supporting the Syrian regime. (On Tuesday Iraqi cabinet approved Tehran’s proposal to construct a 1500-kilometre natural gas pipeline connecting Iran’s giant South Pars fields to Syria and other export markets via Iraqi territory)…

Iraq: Crisis After Crisis, or Stable Instability
January 30, 2013

A new round of escalating tension amid political stand-off marked the new year in Iraq… The situation exploded on January 25, when millions of Muslims gathered for Friday prayer. It’s hard to say what exactly the mullahs in the Fallujah mosques were saying but the people clashed with army servicemen. It went on for a few hours, after lunchtime the city saw mobile groups of armed men who opened fire against the military. The daily death toll was three servicemen and five civilians, over 80 people were wounded… The Iraqi parliament is actually paralyzed, the government is plunged in scandals, armed violence is one of the highest in the world, the desire for changes is rapidly spreading around in the Iraqi society…

Iraq: Crisis After Crisis, or Stable Instability
No Light at the End of the Tunnel in Iraq
No Light at the End of the Tunnel in Iraq
August 9, 2012

The demolition of S. Hussein’s regime by the Western coalition in March, 2003 became the starting point on an unending crisis in Iraq. Initially, the authority across the country – legislative, judicial, and executive in a bundle – was exercised by the U.S. occupational administration headed by Washington’s P. Bremer… Nouri al-Maliki became the Iraqi prime minister in 2006. In a creeping political offensive, he grabbed control over virtually all of Iraq’s armed formations… al-Maliki, a remarkably cunning operator, managed to secure support from both Washington and Tehran. Against this background, the missing majority support in his own country – a familiar problem in many parts of the world – does not really count. Anyhow, the Iraqi drama is rolling on…