Tag: African Union

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Second Russia-Africa Summit Augurs Well for the Future
Second Russia-Africa Summit Augurs Well for the Future
July 25, 2023

Is there a necessary connection between the SMO (special military operation) and food crisis in Africa?

Washington’s Failed Push for Anti-Russian Global Consensus
June 9, 2022

Criticisms of Russia’s actions are relatively easy to find among foreign leaders, but when it comes to outright condemnations—much less endorsements of NATO’s position that the war was unprovoked and entirely Moscow’s fault—governments around the world demur.

Washington’s Failed Push for Anti-Russian Global Consensus
Editor's Сhoice
Is Africa at a Turning Point?
Editor's Сhoice
Is Africa at a Turning Point?
November 30, 2017

The African Union (AU)/European Union (EU) summit, to be held in Abidjan at the end of November, will be off to a truly busy start. While youth and job creation will be the main focus, other issues—such as the Libyan migrant crisis; the forced, yet bloodless resignation of Robert Mugabe; migration; and good governance—risk overshadowing this crucial two-day event.

African Union’s Adherence to Colonial Borders Looks Like a Needless Anachronism
August 30, 2017

In 1964, the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the forerunner to the present-day African Union, declared at its Cairo summit that colonial borders would not be altered to reflect on-the-ground realities regarding ethnicity, language, and/or religion. With little debate, the OAU declared that the colonial boundaries of Africa, agreed to in far-away places like Berlin, Paris, London, and even the remote North Sea island of Heligoland, would serve as post-colonial international borders recognized by the United Nations and the tenets of international law. New states could only be carved out of old colonial entities if the post-colonial governments approved. Such approval would not come without a long and protracted armed fight.

African Union’s Adherence to Colonial Borders Looks Like a Needless Anachronism
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Gold of Burkina Faso
Gold of Burkina Faso
January 18, 2016

An act of terrorism was committed in the heart of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, on Friday night, January 15. Gunmen armed with heavy weapons attacked Cappuccino restaurant and luxury Splendid Hotel. Hostages were released after a government counter-attack in the next morning as the siege ended. Over 20 men died, while hundreds were wounded. The attack was claimed by Al-Mourabitoun, a branch of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)…

2015 AU Summit Wound Up in Johannesburg: Meetings on the Sidelines and Afterthoughts
June 19, 2015

The African Union (AU) summit took place on June 7-15 in Johannesburg. It was the most intriguing and fruitful meeting in many years. African leaders made a big step on the way to economic integration as Africa is turning into an international entity…

2015 AU Summit Wound Up in Johannesburg: Meetings on the Sidelines and Afterthoughts
Central Africa: UN Responds to CAR Tragedy
Central Africa: UN Responds to CAR Tragedy
October 15, 2013

NATO went beyond the UN resolution 1973 in Libya, ignoring the Russia’s and China’s warnings about the consequences. The NATO’s intervention spurred a domino-like effect across Africa. It affects one nation after another – Somalia, Mali, Kenya, and now – the CAR… A dangerous chain reaction has been started. The hand of West-inspired Al Qaeda lurks behind Seleka rebellion in Central African Republic…

The International Justice System and the Hunt for Africans
August 14, 2013


The summer of 2013 was a hot one for Nigeria, and not just in terms of the weather. On the one hand, the country's populace and government have been subjected to new and increasingly violent attacks from terrorist groups, first and foremost from Boko Haram. On the other hand, Nigeria is experiencing massive pressure from the International Criminal Court, international human rights organizations and the local fifth column. This synchronized attack comes amid the destabilization of a number of neighboring countries… 

The International Justice System and the Hunt for Africans