Tag: Abrams

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Making Excuses for Trump: Where Does the Buck Stop?
Making Excuses for Trump: Where Does the Buck Stop?
August 13, 2020

The bloom is off the rose after four years of blundering, but it is still surprising to hear an occasional voice defending Trump’s foreign policy.

‘Zombie Neocon’: How This Iran Contra Architect Is Leading Trump Policy
May 14, 2020

As we await answers on who funded the plot to use a handful of mercenaries and ex-Green Berets to oust Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, it’s worth taking a closer look at the man behind regime change policy, the special envoy on Venezuela, Elliott Abrams.

‘Zombie Neocon’: How This Iran Contra Architect Is Leading Trump Policy
Editor's Сhoice
‘Keep Friends Close, Enemies Closer’: Why Donald Trump Works With Bloodthirsty Neocons
‘Keep Friends Close, Enemies Closer’: Why Donald Trump Works With Bloodthirsty Neocons
September 11, 2019

In an effort to understand Trump and his balancing act between a government loaded with hawks, and a geopolitical chess game rigged to dynamite, there are at least three dynamics at play – ‘3D chess’ if you like.

BRICS Needs a Unified Front Against US Intervention in Venezuela
September 7, 2019

The international community is dominated by discourse that promotes foreign intervention according to the undemocratic agendas of the so-called democratic countries.

BRICS Needs a Unified Front Against US Intervention in Venezuela
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Bolton Losing Ground on Venezuela, Iran – But Far From Down and Out
Bolton Losing Ground on Venezuela, Iran – But Far From Down and Out
July 7, 2019

The key takeaway from the events that did – and more importantly did NOT – happen between the United States, Iran and Venezuela over the past three months is that the senior generals in the Pentagon, especially in the US Army – resisted the neocon super-hawks led by Bolton and his allies.

CIA Finances Another Group of Fraudsters: the Venezuelan ‘Opposition’
June 27, 2019

Juan Guaidó and his gang are merely following in a long line of CIA crooks and criminals who conduct their illegal affairs with a wink and a nod from Langley and a sizeable financial cut for neo-cons like Abrams, Kissinger, and John Bolton.

CIA Finances Another Group of Fraudsters: the Venezuelan ‘Opposition’
Why State Department’s ‘Charm Offensive’ Is in Fact Offensive to Venezuelans
Why State Department’s ‘Charm Offensive’ Is in Fact Offensive to Venezuelans
May 15, 2019

If the same video were done with a drop of humility and respect to the intelligence and cultural differentness of the Venezuelans, then this video could achieve its intended results. As it stands now this video “A new Venezuela” is Youtube fuel for anti-Americanism.

The Beast Behind the Mask: The US Fanatical Passion to Destroy Venezuela
April 21, 2019

The mask has fallen off any remaining pretense of Washington’s concern about the Venezuelan people and only the resort to naked brute force, incompetently applied is left.

The Beast Behind the Mask: The US Fanatical Passion to Destroy Venezuela