Editor's Сhoice
May 11, 2022
© Photo: Wikimedia

By Stephen LENDMAN

Founded in 1983, the Orwellian NED is all about undermining and eliminating democracy wherever it exists — notably by electoral interference, color revolutions, state-sponsored violence and other dirty tricks.

In July 2015, Russian Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Vladimir Malinovsky, “signed a decree (that) recogniz(es) (NED activities) as undesirable (for) violati(ing) basic human rights, freedoms and rights of the (nation’s) citizens.”

Sent to Moscow’s Justice Ministry, the NED was designated an undesirable foreign organization.

Enacted into Russian law, organizations like NED are illegalin the country for good reason.

It’s because they pose a serious “threat to the constitutional order and defense capability, or to the security of the Russian state.”

A longstanding political meddler, its actions threaten nations free from US control.

Russia’s upper house Federation Council earlier listed the following organizations as militantly hostile toward the nation’s sovereign independence:

The NED, Soros’ Open Society Institute, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, MacArthur Foundation, Freedom House, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Polish-based Education for Democracy Foundation, East European Democratic Center, Ukrainian World Congress, Ukrainian World Coordinating Council, and Crimean Field Mission on Human Rights.

The latter group was designated as threatening Russia before Crimeans overwhelmingly voted by free and open referendum to rejoin the Russian Federation.

Russia’s Federation Council earlier stressed that the goal of hostile organizations like the above ones is “to influence the internal political situation in the country, undermine the patriotic unity of our people, undermine the integration processes within the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) space and force our country into geopolitical isolation.”

NED and its affiliated International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute (NDI), American Center for International Labor Solidarity, and Center for International Private Enterprise dirty hands have been undermining democracy and instigating regime  change disruptively since established.

Toppling Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrade — in October 2000 — was the prototype for US color revolutions to follow.

Some worked. Others failed.

All involved made-in-the-USA violence and/or other means to replace sovereign independent governance with undemocratic/hegemon USA-controlled puppet rule.

The NED and affiliate groups are intolerant of democracy wherever exists and go all-out to eliminate it.

Last week, China’s Foreign Ministry discussed how the NED “mastermin(ed) global separatist riots, color revolutions and political crimes” in one country after another to accomplish its above aims.

It unjustifiably justifies its diabolical criminality on the phony pretext of promoting democracy — what its operatives go all-out to undermine, what’s never been tolerated in the US/West.

After eliminating Milosevic in 2000, NED dirty hands were all over the so-called 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia.

Western darling/fascist thug Mikhail Saakashvili replaced Edouard Shevardnadze.

In 2004, Ukraine’s Orange Revolution followed — after Viktor Yanukovych won a run-off election against Western favorite Viktor Yushchenko.

After Yanokovych regained power, the Obama/Biden regime’s 2014 Maidan coup in Kiev again deposed him.

In 2007, a Saffron Revolution — following the Georgia/Ukraine playbook — failed to replace its government with pro-Western rule.

Ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Bush/Cheney regime tried to destabilize China with a Crimson Revolution in Tibet.

Along with the CIA, NED dirty hands were again involved, aided by its affiliated groups.

Following Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s 2009 reelection as Iranian president, a made-in-the-USA Green Revolution failed to depose him.

US/Western dirty hands behind the so-called 2011 Arab Spring were all about solidifying regional control, not aiding beleaguered people of Yemen, Bahrain, Egypt and other Middle East states.

Over a decade later, spring has yet to bloom in the region.

Nor will it as long as Pentagon bases, CIA operatives, and NED dirty hands infest the Middle East with controlling its vast oil and gas reserves in mind.

In 2019-20, made-in-the-USA Hong Protests were all about destabilizing China.

The CIA, NED and other US dark forces collaborated with elements hostile to Beijing.

Supporting what demanded opposition, Trump at the time defied reality by falsely claiming that disruptive tactics in breach of international law were all about Hong Kongers “want(ing) democracy (sic).”

At the time, China’s Foreign Ministry cited the NED website, saying:

Its dirty hands spent around $2 million on “11 Hong Kong-related projects,” focusing on disrupting legislative elections.

In 2013-14, the NED spent over $5 million in Russia — funds used to support anti-Putin organizations and individuals like convicted embezzler Navalny.

From 2016 to 2020, the “NED funded 119 projects in Belarus” in support of elements opposed to President Alexander Lukashenko, a close Vladimir Putin ally.

For over 60 years — and since establishment of the NED — hundreds of millions of US dollars were spent for regime change in Cuba.

Along with the CIA, its dirty hands have been all over trying to topple sovereign independent governments in Latin America and elsewhere globally.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to destabilize China, Russia, Iran, Bolivarian Venezuela and other nations free from US control.

Along with perpetual wars on invented enemies threatening no one, that’s how the scourge of US imperial rampaging operates.

No nation in world history caused more harm to more people over a longer duration than hegemon USA.

Today under undemocratic Dem control, its dominant hardliners threaten global war with nukes.

That’s where their proxy war on Russia is heading if not challenged and stopped before they cross a rubicon of no return.


The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Hegemon USA’s Undemocratic National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

By Stephen LENDMAN

Founded in 1983, the Orwellian NED is all about undermining and eliminating democracy wherever it exists — notably by electoral interference, color revolutions, state-sponsored violence and other dirty tricks.

In July 2015, Russian Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Vladimir Malinovsky, “signed a decree (that) recogniz(es) (NED activities) as undesirable (for) violati(ing) basic human rights, freedoms and rights of the (nation’s) citizens.”

Sent to Moscow’s Justice Ministry, the NED was designated an undesirable foreign organization.

Enacted into Russian law, organizations like NED are illegalin the country for good reason.

It’s because they pose a serious “threat to the constitutional order and defense capability, or to the security of the Russian state.”

A longstanding political meddler, its actions threaten nations free from US control.

Russia’s upper house Federation Council earlier listed the following organizations as militantly hostile toward the nation’s sovereign independence:

The NED, Soros’ Open Society Institute, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, MacArthur Foundation, Freedom House, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Polish-based Education for Democracy Foundation, East European Democratic Center, Ukrainian World Congress, Ukrainian World Coordinating Council, and Crimean Field Mission on Human Rights.

The latter group was designated as threatening Russia before Crimeans overwhelmingly voted by free and open referendum to rejoin the Russian Federation.

Russia’s Federation Council earlier stressed that the goal of hostile organizations like the above ones is “to influence the internal political situation in the country, undermine the patriotic unity of our people, undermine the integration processes within the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) space and force our country into geopolitical isolation.”

NED and its affiliated International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute (NDI), American Center for International Labor Solidarity, and Center for International Private Enterprise dirty hands have been undermining democracy and instigating regime  change disruptively since established.

Toppling Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrade — in October 2000 — was the prototype for US color revolutions to follow.

Some worked. Others failed.

All involved made-in-the-USA violence and/or other means to replace sovereign independent governance with undemocratic/hegemon USA-controlled puppet rule.

The NED and affiliate groups are intolerant of democracy wherever exists and go all-out to eliminate it.

Last week, China’s Foreign Ministry discussed how the NED “mastermin(ed) global separatist riots, color revolutions and political crimes” in one country after another to accomplish its above aims.

It unjustifiably justifies its diabolical criminality on the phony pretext of promoting democracy — what its operatives go all-out to undermine, what’s never been tolerated in the US/West.

After eliminating Milosevic in 2000, NED dirty hands were all over the so-called 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia.

Western darling/fascist thug Mikhail Saakashvili replaced Edouard Shevardnadze.

In 2004, Ukraine’s Orange Revolution followed — after Viktor Yanukovych won a run-off election against Western favorite Viktor Yushchenko.

After Yanokovych regained power, the Obama/Biden regime’s 2014 Maidan coup in Kiev again deposed him.

In 2007, a Saffron Revolution — following the Georgia/Ukraine playbook — failed to replace its government with pro-Western rule.

Ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Bush/Cheney regime tried to destabilize China with a Crimson Revolution in Tibet.

Along with the CIA, NED dirty hands were again involved, aided by its affiliated groups.

Following Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s 2009 reelection as Iranian president, a made-in-the-USA Green Revolution failed to depose him.

US/Western dirty hands behind the so-called 2011 Arab Spring were all about solidifying regional control, not aiding beleaguered people of Yemen, Bahrain, Egypt and other Middle East states.

Over a decade later, spring has yet to bloom in the region.

Nor will it as long as Pentagon bases, CIA operatives, and NED dirty hands infest the Middle East with controlling its vast oil and gas reserves in mind.

In 2019-20, made-in-the-USA Hong Protests were all about destabilizing China.

The CIA, NED and other US dark forces collaborated with elements hostile to Beijing.

Supporting what demanded opposition, Trump at the time defied reality by falsely claiming that disruptive tactics in breach of international law were all about Hong Kongers “want(ing) democracy (sic).”

At the time, China’s Foreign Ministry cited the NED website, saying:

Its dirty hands spent around $2 million on “11 Hong Kong-related projects,” focusing on disrupting legislative elections.

In 2013-14, the NED spent over $5 million in Russia — funds used to support anti-Putin organizations and individuals like convicted embezzler Navalny.

From 2016 to 2020, the “NED funded 119 projects in Belarus” in support of elements opposed to President Alexander Lukashenko, a close Vladimir Putin ally.

For over 60 years — and since establishment of the NED — hundreds of millions of US dollars were spent for regime change in Cuba.

Along with the CIA, its dirty hands have been all over trying to topple sovereign independent governments in Latin America and elsewhere globally.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to destabilize China, Russia, Iran, Bolivarian Venezuela and other nations free from US control.

Along with perpetual wars on invented enemies threatening no one, that’s how the scourge of US imperial rampaging operates.

No nation in world history caused more harm to more people over a longer duration than hegemon USA.

Today under undemocratic Dem control, its dominant hardliners threaten global war with nukes.

That’s where their proxy war on Russia is heading if not challenged and stopped before they cross a rubicon of no return.
