Wayne Madsen
November 6, 2016
© Photo: Public domain

In what amounted to one of the most egregious examples of Hillary Clinton’s «pay-to-play» extortion racket, King Mohammed VI of Morocco donated a handsome $12 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation in return for a promise by Mrs. Clinton to speak at a Clinton Global Initiative conference scheduled for May of 2015 in Morocco. Because the conference was scheduled for the month after Clinton declared her intentions to run for president of the United States, she did not attend. However, Clinton sent her husband Bill and daughter Chelsea to the event in her place.

The conference, held at a five-star hotel in Marrakech, was paid for by the Moroccan state-owned mining company Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP). The company is charged with numerous human rights violations, particularly in the territory of Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony occupied by Morocco since 1975 in violation of international law.

In accepting $12 million from Morocco, the Clintons are advancing a US foreign policy that has supported Morocco’s annexation of Western Sahara and its repression of the Sahrawi people. Since 1975, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro (POLISARIO) has waged a struggle for Sahrawi independence in the face of overwhelming Moroccan military and diplomatic might. The Clintons are no different from the Bush family in advancing the interests of mining and military interests over the inalienable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination.

In response to the Clinton Foundation reaping a $12 million payoff from Morocco, POLISARIO stated that «OCP is the first beneficiary of the war and the first beneficiary of the occupation — it is the one that is cashing in on the misery of thousands of refugees and hundreds of political detainees for the past 40 years». POLISARIO believes that in return for the cash donation Mrs. Clinton would «support their brutal occupation of Western Sahara».

A Hillary Clinton presidency will also likely see the establishment of a permanent headquarters base for the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) in Morocco. The Pentagon has already conducted a feasibility study for an AFRICOM headquarters in Morocco. Eight years ago, military experts working on behalf of the Office of Defense Operation at the US Embassy in Rabat conducted a 1000-hectare land survey for the new base at the mouth of the Draa River and inland to a few kilometers southeast of Tan Tan, near Tan Tan's airport. Tan Tan lies between Western Sahara and the former Spanish enclave of Ifni. The area earmarked for the US base is known as the Cap Draa Training Area. The US embassy military team concluded that the new base would cost $50 billion in construction and start-up costs.

In addition to Western Sahara being rich in phosphates and, perhaps, much-sought rare-earth minerals, the offshore area in believed to be rich in oil reserves. Oklahoma City-based Kerr McGee Corporation has enjoyed an offshore oil exploration deal with Morocco since 2001.

Clinton’s foreign policy team has decided that when it comes to annexation of occupied territory, Morocco has the same claim to legitimacy as Israel. Both countries illegally occupy territory in violation of United Nations decisions. Israel, of course, illegally occupies the Palestinian West Bank and has turned Gaza into a «Warsaw Ghetto» – an embargoed strip of 1.3 million people struggling to survive. Morocco and Mauritania invaded and occupied the former Spanish Sahara in 1975, forcing many Sahrawis into squalid refugee camps on the Algerian side of the border. Mauritania later withdrew from its sector, leaving it open for Morocco to fill the void.

Israeli colonialists call the West Bank «Judea and Samaria» while the Moroccans call what the African Union recognizes as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), the «Southern Provinces». And Morocco and Israel also share something else in common: both own stakes in Clinton’s foreign policy as results of infusions of campaign cash and donor money into the Clinton campaign coffers and phony non-profit contrivances. Like the Israeli-born Hollywood mogul Haim Saban, who «paid to play» in «Clinton World,» so has King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

Morocco is a keystone of Clinton political malfeasance and chicanery. Sam Kaplan, a Minneapolis-based Democratic Party financier who bundled $200,000 in campaign cash for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, was appointed US ambassador to Morocco, where he served under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Kaplan and his wife Sylvia are prominent members of Minneapolis's Jewish community. From 1994 to 1997, Marc Ginsberg, a major American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) player, served as Bill Clinton's ambassador in Rabat.

In February 2010, with the blessing of Hillary Clinton, and obviously with a great deal of involvement from Kaplan, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations arranged for its top-level delegation to meet King Mohammed VI in RabatB The delegation included James S. Tisch, chairman of the conference and chairman of Loews Corporation and the son of the late CEO of CBS Laurence Tisch; Ronald Lauder, the billionaire son of Estee Lauder and fervent supporter of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu; and Alexander Mashkevitch, chairman of the Euro-Asian Congress and the Kazakh-Israeli co-owner of London-based Alferon Management, a firm with mining operations in Africa. It should also be noted that Bill Clinton has been heavily-involved in the mining business in Kazakhstan and Africa.

Hillary Clinton claims to have championed the cause of human rights while she was Secretary of State. The record, however, speaks for itself. While Mrs. Clinton was making side deals with Morocco as Secretary of State, Rabat expelled from the nation the Sahrawi activist Aminatou Haidar, winner of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award. Haidar subsequently went on a hunger strike in the Canary Islands. Morocco finally relented and allowed Haidar to return to her homeland. When it comes to women’s and human rights, Hillary Clinton is «coin-operated». If POLISARIO had donated huge sums of money to the Clinton money machine, the Sahrawi people may have gotten at least a hearing at the State Department.

Among Morocco’s most ardent US congressional supporters for its sovereignty claim over Western Sahara is Mrs. Clinton’s good friend Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. On March 31, 2009, the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University and the neoconservative Potomac Institute jointly issued a report calling on the United States to settle the Saharan issue in favor of Morocco. Among the report’s authors were Mrs. Clinton’s close friend, former Secretary of State under Bill Clinton Madeleine Albright, and another Clinton pal, former NATO commander Wesley Clark.

The plight of Western Sahara is a direct result of the wink and nod that Mrs. Clinton’s self-admitted mentor, Henry Kissinger, while Secretary of State, gave to Morocco in 1975 to invade Spanish Sahara upon Spain's withdrawal. Kissinger also gave the green light for Indonesia to invade the former Portuguese East Timor and India to invade the Kingdom of Sikkim. Yet, Mrs. Clinton has the audacity to condemn Russia for honoring the wishes of the people of Crimea who overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation. Where is her condemnation of Morocco?

How did Mrs. Clinton handle the plight of the Sahrawis while America’s chief diplomat? Abysmally. Rather than placing responsibility for Western Sahara with the US embassy in Algeria, the nation where numerous Sahrawi refugee camps exist, the United States handed responsibility for Western Sahara to the AIPAC-influenced US embassy in Rabat. The Clinton State Department pressured Caribbean nations dependent on US foreign aid to withdrawal their recognition of SADR. These included Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Dominica, Grenada. Burundi was also pressured to withdrawal recognition. As with everything the Clintons are involved with, criminal racketeering is the name of the game.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Morocco Buys Hillary Clinton and Western Sahara Suffers

In what amounted to one of the most egregious examples of Hillary Clinton’s «pay-to-play» extortion racket, King Mohammed VI of Morocco donated a handsome $12 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation in return for a promise by Mrs. Clinton to speak at a Clinton Global Initiative conference scheduled for May of 2015 in Morocco. Because the conference was scheduled for the month after Clinton declared her intentions to run for president of the United States, she did not attend. However, Clinton sent her husband Bill and daughter Chelsea to the event in her place.

The conference, held at a five-star hotel in Marrakech, was paid for by the Moroccan state-owned mining company Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP). The company is charged with numerous human rights violations, particularly in the territory of Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony occupied by Morocco since 1975 in violation of international law.

In accepting $12 million from Morocco, the Clintons are advancing a US foreign policy that has supported Morocco’s annexation of Western Sahara and its repression of the Sahrawi people. Since 1975, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro (POLISARIO) has waged a struggle for Sahrawi independence in the face of overwhelming Moroccan military and diplomatic might. The Clintons are no different from the Bush family in advancing the interests of mining and military interests over the inalienable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination.

In response to the Clinton Foundation reaping a $12 million payoff from Morocco, POLISARIO stated that «OCP is the first beneficiary of the war and the first beneficiary of the occupation — it is the one that is cashing in on the misery of thousands of refugees and hundreds of political detainees for the past 40 years». POLISARIO believes that in return for the cash donation Mrs. Clinton would «support their brutal occupation of Western Sahara».

A Hillary Clinton presidency will also likely see the establishment of a permanent headquarters base for the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) in Morocco. The Pentagon has already conducted a feasibility study for an AFRICOM headquarters in Morocco. Eight years ago, military experts working on behalf of the Office of Defense Operation at the US Embassy in Rabat conducted a 1000-hectare land survey for the new base at the mouth of the Draa River and inland to a few kilometers southeast of Tan Tan, near Tan Tan's airport. Tan Tan lies between Western Sahara and the former Spanish enclave of Ifni. The area earmarked for the US base is known as the Cap Draa Training Area. The US embassy military team concluded that the new base would cost $50 billion in construction and start-up costs.

In addition to Western Sahara being rich in phosphates and, perhaps, much-sought rare-earth minerals, the offshore area in believed to be rich in oil reserves. Oklahoma City-based Kerr McGee Corporation has enjoyed an offshore oil exploration deal with Morocco since 2001.

Clinton’s foreign policy team has decided that when it comes to annexation of occupied territory, Morocco has the same claim to legitimacy as Israel. Both countries illegally occupy territory in violation of United Nations decisions. Israel, of course, illegally occupies the Palestinian West Bank and has turned Gaza into a «Warsaw Ghetto» – an embargoed strip of 1.3 million people struggling to survive. Morocco and Mauritania invaded and occupied the former Spanish Sahara in 1975, forcing many Sahrawis into squalid refugee camps on the Algerian side of the border. Mauritania later withdrew from its sector, leaving it open for Morocco to fill the void.

Israeli colonialists call the West Bank «Judea and Samaria» while the Moroccans call what the African Union recognizes as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), the «Southern Provinces». And Morocco and Israel also share something else in common: both own stakes in Clinton’s foreign policy as results of infusions of campaign cash and donor money into the Clinton campaign coffers and phony non-profit contrivances. Like the Israeli-born Hollywood mogul Haim Saban, who «paid to play» in «Clinton World,» so has King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

Morocco is a keystone of Clinton political malfeasance and chicanery. Sam Kaplan, a Minneapolis-based Democratic Party financier who bundled $200,000 in campaign cash for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, was appointed US ambassador to Morocco, where he served under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Kaplan and his wife Sylvia are prominent members of Minneapolis's Jewish community. From 1994 to 1997, Marc Ginsberg, a major American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) player, served as Bill Clinton's ambassador in Rabat.

In February 2010, with the blessing of Hillary Clinton, and obviously with a great deal of involvement from Kaplan, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations arranged for its top-level delegation to meet King Mohammed VI in RabatB The delegation included James S. Tisch, chairman of the conference and chairman of Loews Corporation and the son of the late CEO of CBS Laurence Tisch; Ronald Lauder, the billionaire son of Estee Lauder and fervent supporter of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu; and Alexander Mashkevitch, chairman of the Euro-Asian Congress and the Kazakh-Israeli co-owner of London-based Alferon Management, a firm with mining operations in Africa. It should also be noted that Bill Clinton has been heavily-involved in the mining business in Kazakhstan and Africa.

Hillary Clinton claims to have championed the cause of human rights while she was Secretary of State. The record, however, speaks for itself. While Mrs. Clinton was making side deals with Morocco as Secretary of State, Rabat expelled from the nation the Sahrawi activist Aminatou Haidar, winner of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award. Haidar subsequently went on a hunger strike in the Canary Islands. Morocco finally relented and allowed Haidar to return to her homeland. When it comes to women’s and human rights, Hillary Clinton is «coin-operated». If POLISARIO had donated huge sums of money to the Clinton money machine, the Sahrawi people may have gotten at least a hearing at the State Department.

Among Morocco’s most ardent US congressional supporters for its sovereignty claim over Western Sahara is Mrs. Clinton’s good friend Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. On March 31, 2009, the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University and the neoconservative Potomac Institute jointly issued a report calling on the United States to settle the Saharan issue in favor of Morocco. Among the report’s authors were Mrs. Clinton’s close friend, former Secretary of State under Bill Clinton Madeleine Albright, and another Clinton pal, former NATO commander Wesley Clark.

The plight of Western Sahara is a direct result of the wink and nod that Mrs. Clinton’s self-admitted mentor, Henry Kissinger, while Secretary of State, gave to Morocco in 1975 to invade Spanish Sahara upon Spain's withdrawal. Kissinger also gave the green light for Indonesia to invade the former Portuguese East Timor and India to invade the Kingdom of Sikkim. Yet, Mrs. Clinton has the audacity to condemn Russia for honoring the wishes of the people of Crimea who overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation. Where is her condemnation of Morocco?

How did Mrs. Clinton handle the plight of the Sahrawis while America’s chief diplomat? Abysmally. Rather than placing responsibility for Western Sahara with the US embassy in Algeria, the nation where numerous Sahrawi refugee camps exist, the United States handed responsibility for Western Sahara to the AIPAC-influenced US embassy in Rabat. The Clinton State Department pressured Caribbean nations dependent on US foreign aid to withdrawal their recognition of SADR. These included Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Dominica, Grenada. Burundi was also pressured to withdrawal recognition. As with everything the Clintons are involved with, criminal racketeering is the name of the game.