Wayne Madsen
July 2, 2016
© Photo: Public domain

There is an old adage that pertains to the founding of the European Union «If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again». And for the Nazis and Nazi collaborators of the Second World War, viewing the post-war European death and destruction brought about by Adolf Hitler and his «Third Reich» alliance of Italian fascists, French Vichy, and others, the immediate decision was to «try again» with a European Union that would establish the same European super-state envisaged by Hitler but with a decidedly «democratic» aura.

What eventually became the EU, the European Coal and Steel Community, was formed by six Western European countries in 1951. The organization was the brainchild of Robert Schuman, a French politician who swore allegiance to Marshal Philippe Petain, the French Vichy leader and ally of the mustachioed German ex-corporal. Schuman was later stripped of his political rights for his collaboration with the hated German bosche. However, Free French commander, General Charles De Gaulle, restored Schuman’s full citizenship, after which the old Vichy collaborator set about to create a modified version of the Third Reich, the European Union. And to complement his «Fourth Reich-Lite», Schuman advocated a military alliance to give it muscle. It was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Schuman served as a post-war French foreign and prime minister. Schuman’s collaborators in his plan to create a federal Europe were fellow Frenchman and OSS/CIA asset Jean Monnet and German chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who, as pre-war mayor of Cologne and president of the Prussian State Council, provided the Nazis with various perks, including the right to fly Nazi flags from Cologne city flagpoles.

Another founding father of the EU was Walter Hallstein, a German lawyer who belonged to a number of Nazi professional groups and who fought as a lieutenant in a Wehrmacht artillery regiment in northern France, Hallstein was captured by the Americans and served out the remaining of the war in a prisoner-of-war camp in Mississippi. Western history books and the always-dubious Wikipedia, have whitewashed the Nazi credentials of EU founders like Schuman, Adenauer, and Hallstein.

Another supporter of the embryonic supporter of a federal Europe in the early 1950s was Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld in Germany and later of the Netherlands. Before marrying Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, Bernhard was a Nazi Party member in Germany and an officer of the Reiter (Mounted Corps) of the SS. He was also a member of the Nazi Motor Corps. In 1940, Bernhard’s old pals at I.G. Farben, the German petro-chemical company, along with SS chief Heinrich Himmler, were lobbying Hitler for a common European currency, the precursor of today’s euro. After the war, Bernhard enthusiastically supported the creation of a European Union. To shepherd plans for the future union through European nations, in 1954, Bernhard sponsored the first meeting of European federalists and their Euro-Atlanticist NATO allies at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands.

The annual Bilderberg conference has, since 1954, promoted a federal Europe and more general globalization. However, like Adolf Hitler’s plans for a united Europe and a world under Axis domination, the Bilderberg plans and those of their EU colleagues come at the expense of national sovereignty, cultural rights, freedom of expression and freedom of thought, and workers’ rights. The Bilderberg conference also echoed the wishes and desires of NATO and the US Central Intelligence Agency, which were always certain to seed the annual conferences with their top assets. Plans to incorporate Eastern Europe into the EU were first designed in 1954 by Bernhard’s Bilderberg conference co-founder Jozef Retinger, a member of the wartime Polish government-in-exile in London. After the war, Retinger became a leading champion for a united Europe. Retinger’s agenda was so suspect by the Polish Home Army, the wartime Polish underground resistance, the resistance army tried to assassinate him during his secret visit to Poland.

It is truly amazing to see so many «progressives» have lamented the United Kingdom’s recent vote to leave the EU, an organization that was founded by Nazi collaborators and CIA agents-of-influence. EU officials like European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg – the original homeland of Robert Schuman, European Parliament President Martin Schulz of Germany, and other Euro-federalists have invoked the old Nazi policy of «collective punishment» in urging draconian measures being taken by the EU against the withdrawing British. The EU has even signaled that English will no longer be an official EU language, even though it remains the most widely-used lingua franca of EU member states Malta, Ireland, and Cyprus.

The EU, especially since the Maastricht Treaty, which led the groundwork for a more federalized Europe, has never been very democratic about its European «super-state». An ignorant and detached bureaucracy of Brussels «Eurocrats» has dictated to French bakers how to make baguettes, Greek dairy farmers how to make feta cheese, and German brewers how to make beer.

Those who defend the EU’s «Euro-mess» claim that the UK’s Brexit vote is unprecedented. The argument is another fallacy. The UK is the third country to signal within the EU a desire to withdraw from the organization created to enable a kinder and gentler European Fourth Reich.

Greenland voted twice to leave the EU. The first vote was when Denmark, its colonial master, joined the EU in 1973. When Greenland achieved home rule status in 1979, it held another referendum and the outcome was the same: a flat no to EU membership. The lesson of Greenland was not lost on Iceland, which, after its economic rape by Europhile bankers, opted against joining the EU.

In 2015, Greece voted by more than 60 percent to reject the terms laid forth by the EU for continued Greek membership in the eurozone. The referendum was a de facto rejection of the EU, which warned Greece that if it rejected the austerity terms for continued inclusion in the eurozone, it was tantamount to a withdrawal from the inner circle of the EU. The ersatz leftist SYRIZA party, created by provocateur hedge fund tycoon George Soros as a controlled alternative to his hated Communists, set about to accept the EU’s draconian economic terms anyway.

Today, with Germany in the driver’s seat and Belgium, Finland, the Baltic states, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland as obedient poodles for the Germans, the EU resembles the Third Reich’s Axis alliance. The EU is an accomplice of NATO in militarily threatening Russia. NATO’s military aggressiveness in the joint neo-Nazi and Zionist Ukraine dusts off the old plan of Hitler for the invasion of Soviet Russia – Operation Barbarossa. There is nothing odd or unique about the alliance of neo-Nazis and Zionists in Kiev and their support by Germany and the United States. It has all happened before in 1933 with the Transfer Agreement between Nazi Germany and the Zionists of Germany, an agreement that guaranteed unfettered German Zionist immigration to Palestine, an act that laid the groundwork for the later State of Israel. Meanwhile, the Nazis were free to concern themselves with conquering Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union before calling on its Zionist German friends in Palestine to help defeat the British mandate authorities.

Anti-EU political leaders in Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Hungary, and even Germany understand who founded the EU and why. Calls for additional exit referenda can only mean that the days of the Schuman-Monnet-Adenauer «Fourth Reich Lite» are coming to a fast end.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
The EU’s Architects: Nazis and Nazi Collaborators

There is an old adage that pertains to the founding of the European Union «If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again». And for the Nazis and Nazi collaborators of the Second World War, viewing the post-war European death and destruction brought about by Adolf Hitler and his «Third Reich» alliance of Italian fascists, French Vichy, and others, the immediate decision was to «try again» with a European Union that would establish the same European super-state envisaged by Hitler but with a decidedly «democratic» aura.

What eventually became the EU, the European Coal and Steel Community, was formed by six Western European countries in 1951. The organization was the brainchild of Robert Schuman, a French politician who swore allegiance to Marshal Philippe Petain, the French Vichy leader and ally of the mustachioed German ex-corporal. Schuman was later stripped of his political rights for his collaboration with the hated German bosche. However, Free French commander, General Charles De Gaulle, restored Schuman’s full citizenship, after which the old Vichy collaborator set about to create a modified version of the Third Reich, the European Union. And to complement his «Fourth Reich-Lite», Schuman advocated a military alliance to give it muscle. It was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Schuman served as a post-war French foreign and prime minister. Schuman’s collaborators in his plan to create a federal Europe were fellow Frenchman and OSS/CIA asset Jean Monnet and German chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who, as pre-war mayor of Cologne and president of the Prussian State Council, provided the Nazis with various perks, including the right to fly Nazi flags from Cologne city flagpoles.

Another founding father of the EU was Walter Hallstein, a German lawyer who belonged to a number of Nazi professional groups and who fought as a lieutenant in a Wehrmacht artillery regiment in northern France, Hallstein was captured by the Americans and served out the remaining of the war in a prisoner-of-war camp in Mississippi. Western history books and the always-dubious Wikipedia, have whitewashed the Nazi credentials of EU founders like Schuman, Adenauer, and Hallstein.

Another supporter of the embryonic supporter of a federal Europe in the early 1950s was Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld in Germany and later of the Netherlands. Before marrying Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, Bernhard was a Nazi Party member in Germany and an officer of the Reiter (Mounted Corps) of the SS. He was also a member of the Nazi Motor Corps. In 1940, Bernhard’s old pals at I.G. Farben, the German petro-chemical company, along with SS chief Heinrich Himmler, were lobbying Hitler for a common European currency, the precursor of today’s euro. After the war, Bernhard enthusiastically supported the creation of a European Union. To shepherd plans for the future union through European nations, in 1954, Bernhard sponsored the first meeting of European federalists and their Euro-Atlanticist NATO allies at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands.

The annual Bilderberg conference has, since 1954, promoted a federal Europe and more general globalization. However, like Adolf Hitler’s plans for a united Europe and a world under Axis domination, the Bilderberg plans and those of their EU colleagues come at the expense of national sovereignty, cultural rights, freedom of expression and freedom of thought, and workers’ rights. The Bilderberg conference also echoed the wishes and desires of NATO and the US Central Intelligence Agency, which were always certain to seed the annual conferences with their top assets. Plans to incorporate Eastern Europe into the EU were first designed in 1954 by Bernhard’s Bilderberg conference co-founder Jozef Retinger, a member of the wartime Polish government-in-exile in London. After the war, Retinger became a leading champion for a united Europe. Retinger’s agenda was so suspect by the Polish Home Army, the wartime Polish underground resistance, the resistance army tried to assassinate him during his secret visit to Poland.

It is truly amazing to see so many «progressives» have lamented the United Kingdom’s recent vote to leave the EU, an organization that was founded by Nazi collaborators and CIA agents-of-influence. EU officials like European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg – the original homeland of Robert Schuman, European Parliament President Martin Schulz of Germany, and other Euro-federalists have invoked the old Nazi policy of «collective punishment» in urging draconian measures being taken by the EU against the withdrawing British. The EU has even signaled that English will no longer be an official EU language, even though it remains the most widely-used lingua franca of EU member states Malta, Ireland, and Cyprus.

The EU, especially since the Maastricht Treaty, which led the groundwork for a more federalized Europe, has never been very democratic about its European «super-state». An ignorant and detached bureaucracy of Brussels «Eurocrats» has dictated to French bakers how to make baguettes, Greek dairy farmers how to make feta cheese, and German brewers how to make beer.

Those who defend the EU’s «Euro-mess» claim that the UK’s Brexit vote is unprecedented. The argument is another fallacy. The UK is the third country to signal within the EU a desire to withdraw from the organization created to enable a kinder and gentler European Fourth Reich.

Greenland voted twice to leave the EU. The first vote was when Denmark, its colonial master, joined the EU in 1973. When Greenland achieved home rule status in 1979, it held another referendum and the outcome was the same: a flat no to EU membership. The lesson of Greenland was not lost on Iceland, which, after its economic rape by Europhile bankers, opted against joining the EU.

In 2015, Greece voted by more than 60 percent to reject the terms laid forth by the EU for continued Greek membership in the eurozone. The referendum was a de facto rejection of the EU, which warned Greece that if it rejected the austerity terms for continued inclusion in the eurozone, it was tantamount to a withdrawal from the inner circle of the EU. The ersatz leftist SYRIZA party, created by provocateur hedge fund tycoon George Soros as a controlled alternative to his hated Communists, set about to accept the EU’s draconian economic terms anyway.

Today, with Germany in the driver’s seat and Belgium, Finland, the Baltic states, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland as obedient poodles for the Germans, the EU resembles the Third Reich’s Axis alliance. The EU is an accomplice of NATO in militarily threatening Russia. NATO’s military aggressiveness in the joint neo-Nazi and Zionist Ukraine dusts off the old plan of Hitler for the invasion of Soviet Russia – Operation Barbarossa. There is nothing odd or unique about the alliance of neo-Nazis and Zionists in Kiev and their support by Germany and the United States. It has all happened before in 1933 with the Transfer Agreement between Nazi Germany and the Zionists of Germany, an agreement that guaranteed unfettered German Zionist immigration to Palestine, an act that laid the groundwork for the later State of Israel. Meanwhile, the Nazis were free to concern themselves with conquering Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union before calling on its Zionist German friends in Palestine to help defeat the British mandate authorities.

Anti-EU political leaders in Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Hungary, and even Germany understand who founded the EU and why. Calls for additional exit referenda can only mean that the days of the Schuman-Monnet-Adenauer «Fourth Reich Lite» are coming to a fast end.