Valentin Katasonov
June 7, 2013
© Photo: Public domain

Part I

Private gold in private vaults: a black hole

Private monetary gold may not only be placed in funds like SPDR Gold, but also in the form of metal deposits in commercial banks or simply stored in the vaults of specialist banks like the Rothschilds’ HSBC. The world’s media are reporting that in connection with the growing demand for gold storage services, major banks have started to build additional vaults or expand their existing ones. So in 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported that the bank JP Morgan had reopened its underground gold vault in New York, which had been abandoned in the 1990s. As well as JP Morgan’s vaults, Manhattan is also currently home to the vaults of European banks HSBC and the Bank of Nova Scotia. Furthermore, the non-bank storage of precious metals is also gaining more and more significance. 

Gold placement services are also being actively offered by Swiss banks, especially the banks UBS and Credit Suisse. While these services used to involve the placement of metal in deposit accounts, nowadays they predominantly involve accepting gold for storage. Swiss banks have been motivated to make such a change by the desire to avoid including accepted gold on their balance sheets. When placing gold on deposit, they need to make deductions to their reserve funds, which in turn reduces the profitability of their banking operations. However, we believe that the main motive for such a U-turn by the banks is the desire to protect themselves and their clients from possible interference on the part of the regulatory authorities. There have been quite a few scandals involving Swiss banks in recent years, linked with the fact that they are keeping the funds of various «dictators» and politically-dubious individuals on deposit. A regular gold storage service removes many of the problems which can arise during bank inspections. 

In Switzerland, there is a large storage facility for valuables in Olten. It is managed by the company SIX Securities Services, which is a subsidiary of the SIX Group. There are some who believe that this storage facility is the biggest in continental Europe, with nearly 800 tonnes of precious metals being stored there. The storage facility is sometimes called a «Swiss Fort Knox». 

We can also add that in certain countries, gold owners take advantage of banks’ trust services, where the banks act as nominal owners and perform various operations with gold in their name. The real beneficiaries, meanwhile, are protected by bank secrecy. Logic suggests that the real beneficiaries are primarily those who organised the looting of central banks’ vaults. 

 The Rothschilds: the route to the gold standard

Remember what global moneylenders were doing in the name of the Rothschilds with their own gold two centuries ago. At that time, the Rothschilds had managed to accumulate immeasurable (for those times) reserves of gold during the Napoleonic Wars. It was necessary to make this gold «work»; to make it into capital, in other words, so that it would generate a profit for its owners. The Rothschilds discovered an incredibly simple and effective way – by imposing the gold standard on society. The gold standard is a way of organising the circulation of money, whereby gold is declared to be money, and paper money acts as symbols of and substitutes for gold. With the gold standard, paper money guarantees (covers) a specific amount of gold (a fixed percentage of coverage) and is exchanged without any limitations for precious metal. In order to support the needs of the economy in money, the central banks always had to have enough gold. A lack of precious metal could be compensated for with gold offered to central banks on credit. Who was able to give such gold credits? Those same Rothschilds who, without putting in any effort at all, were able to increase their own gold fortune through returned loans – not just the principal of the loan but interest as well. With the gold standard being backed by gold loans, all of the world’s gold was gradually concentrated in the hands of those who had had the most gold at the very beginning. And that was the Rothschilds. Great Britain turned out to be the easiest country to get hooked on the gold standard. After the Napoleonic Wars, the Bank of England was placed under the control of Nathan Rothschild – one of the five sons of Rothschild dynasty founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Then during the course of the 19th century, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Russia, the US and many other countries joined the gold standard one after the other. With breaks for the First and Second World Wars, the gold standard survived to the 1970s. Initially it was the «classic», or gold coin, standard. After the First World War it turned into the gold bullion standard (paper money was only exchanged for standard gold bars) and the gold exchange standard (guaranteeing the exchange of national currencies for currencies which, in turn, could be converted into gold). Following the Second World War, the gold dollar standard existed up to 1971, whereby the US Treasury exchanged dollars for gold. 

The Rothschilds would probably like to once again play the same game they played in the 19th century, a game known as the «gold standard» and which poses no risk to them. It would be impossible to introduce it to every country simultaneously. If the process began successfully in Great Britain two centuries ago, today it seems like China is being regarded as the «pioneer». In every way possible, the Rothschilds are stirring up the Celestial Empire’s gold ambitions, pushing the country to accumulate considerable gold reserves and suggesting that the yuan should be an international currency, but that is only possible if it becomes gold… Obviously, amid the international currency competition, the currency that gets gold-backing will be the absolute winner. In order not to be at a disadvantage, other countries will also be forced to convert their currencies into gold. The Rothschilds know that when imposing a gold standard on the world, the first step will be the most difficult. After that, the whole world will be seized by «gold rush» fever. 

While placing their main bet on China, the Rothschilds are simultaneously planting «seeds» in various parts of the world from which gold standards may sprout over time. By «seeds», we mean statements by political and state representatives about how there is no alternative to the gold standard at present. These statements will then transform into political platforms and movements. Finally, laws will be enacted that legalise gold money. In particular, gold money «seeds» will be planted in Switzerland, where the country’s parliament is currently discussing proposals to introduce the gold franc. In the USA, in the state of Utah, a law has already been passed on gold money, while similar laws are also being discussed in a number of other states. Plans for a «gold dinar» were also ripening in the Muslim world, although due to the West’s use of armed aggression against Libya, this project (which was initiated by Gaddafi) has been aborted. 

Rothschild agents are actively campaigning around the world in favour of a gold standard. As an example, let us take the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States, Alan Greenspan. Long before Greenspan became head of the Federal Reserve, he wrote an article with the extremely significant title «Gold and Economic Freedom» (1966). In 1981, former FRS Chairman Alan Greenspan published a column in the Wall Street Journal in which he argued that the US should back their treasury bonds with gold. The US was incredibly close to returning to the gold standard following the currency crisis of 1979-1980. During his time as FRS chairman (1987-2006), Alan Greenspan stopped advertising his predilection for gold. After leaving the post, however, he resumed campaigning in favour of a return to the gold standard. 

One should also remember the sensational statement made in November 2010 by the head of the World Bank Robert Zoellick regarding the advisability of a return to the gold standard. His colleague at the time meanwhile, International Monetary Fund Director Dominic Strauss-Kahn, although not directly campaigning for the gold standard to be reinstated, still took up a sufficiently critical position regarding the existing dollar system. In other words, he was indirectly playing up to the Rothschilds. Strauss-Kahn also expressed support for Muammar Gaddafi’s endeavours to introduce the gold dinar to Muslim countries. 

The Rothschilds: a major war as a parallel scenario

Another strategic line of the Rothschilds for imposing gold money on the world is the destabilisation of international relations to the point of initiating wars, including world wars. Vladimir Pavlenko, quoted in the previous article, believes that this could happen if China backs out of the gold yuan project: «Without absolutely reliable, 100 percent guarantees in the shape of a «gold-yuan» pairing, complemented in the political sphere by a China-Japan alliance, the Rothschilds will not be able to pull down the dollar and the US – there would be an extremely high risk that the situation would get out of control and then weapons, rather than money, could become the deciding factor». 

The Rothschilds are both good at and fond of initiating wars. Although countries abandon the gold standard during tragic periods of human history, at the same time the role of gold as world money rises sharply. This is inevitable amid a fall in confidence in paper money, a rise in the instability and unpredictability of exchange rates and the fate of individual currencies. We should at the very least remember the First World War. During those years, Russia was desperately in need of weapons and ammunition and tried to get them from its allies. However, the Entente countries preferred to fulfil their allied obligations towards Russia not just in exchange for paper money (which, incidentally, they gave to Russia by way of credits), but secured with gold. Moreover, they required this gold security to be transferred from Russia to the vaults of the Bank of England on the island of Foggy Albion. 

During the Second World War, the US was also able to increase its gold reserves owing to the fact that the country demanded its allies pay for its «services in the fight against Hitler» with monetary gold. Not to mention the fact that for Hitler, gold was the only means of exchange with countries that were not under direct German occupation (in occupied territories, payments were made with the use of clearings, although Germany in fact never paid those debts back). It should also be remembered that the Rothschilds were at the source of the Second World War; they thought they would be able to orchestrate the war and hoped that all the world’s gold would eventually end up in their hands. However, history made some serious corrections to their script, to put it mildly. By 1949, the US accounted for up to 70 percent of the world’s official gold reserves (excluding the USSR and other countries in the «Eastern Bloc»). And this gold primarily strengthened the positions of the Rothschilds’ and Rockefeller’s main competitors. 

I think that the Rothschilds never gave up the most important aspect of their old scenario. Nowadays, the roles have just been assigned to new actors. One of the leading actors in this new version of the old script has to be China. And one must suppose that if the Rothschilds do not manage to convince China to introduce the gold yuan, they will focus on preparing a major war with the involvement of that same China.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Behind-the-scenes games with gold: in anticipation of the great turn (II)

Part I

Private gold in private vaults: a black hole

Private monetary gold may not only be placed in funds like SPDR Gold, but also in the form of metal deposits in commercial banks or simply stored in the vaults of specialist banks like the Rothschilds’ HSBC. The world’s media are reporting that in connection with the growing demand for gold storage services, major banks have started to build additional vaults or expand their existing ones. So in 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported that the bank JP Morgan had reopened its underground gold vault in New York, which had been abandoned in the 1990s. As well as JP Morgan’s vaults, Manhattan is also currently home to the vaults of European banks HSBC and the Bank of Nova Scotia. Furthermore, the non-bank storage of precious metals is also gaining more and more significance. 

Gold placement services are also being actively offered by Swiss banks, especially the banks UBS and Credit Suisse. While these services used to involve the placement of metal in deposit accounts, nowadays they predominantly involve accepting gold for storage. Swiss banks have been motivated to make such a change by the desire to avoid including accepted gold on their balance sheets. When placing gold on deposit, they need to make deductions to their reserve funds, which in turn reduces the profitability of their banking operations. However, we believe that the main motive for such a U-turn by the banks is the desire to protect themselves and their clients from possible interference on the part of the regulatory authorities. There have been quite a few scandals involving Swiss banks in recent years, linked with the fact that they are keeping the funds of various «dictators» and politically-dubious individuals on deposit. A regular gold storage service removes many of the problems which can arise during bank inspections. 

In Switzerland, there is a large storage facility for valuables in Olten. It is managed by the company SIX Securities Services, which is a subsidiary of the SIX Group. There are some who believe that this storage facility is the biggest in continental Europe, with nearly 800 tonnes of precious metals being stored there. The storage facility is sometimes called a «Swiss Fort Knox». 

We can also add that in certain countries, gold owners take advantage of banks’ trust services, where the banks act as nominal owners and perform various operations with gold in their name. The real beneficiaries, meanwhile, are protected by bank secrecy. Logic suggests that the real beneficiaries are primarily those who organised the looting of central banks’ vaults. 

 The Rothschilds: the route to the gold standard

Remember what global moneylenders were doing in the name of the Rothschilds with their own gold two centuries ago. At that time, the Rothschilds had managed to accumulate immeasurable (for those times) reserves of gold during the Napoleonic Wars. It was necessary to make this gold «work»; to make it into capital, in other words, so that it would generate a profit for its owners. The Rothschilds discovered an incredibly simple and effective way – by imposing the gold standard on society. The gold standard is a way of organising the circulation of money, whereby gold is declared to be money, and paper money acts as symbols of and substitutes for gold. With the gold standard, paper money guarantees (covers) a specific amount of gold (a fixed percentage of coverage) and is exchanged without any limitations for precious metal. In order to support the needs of the economy in money, the central banks always had to have enough gold. A lack of precious metal could be compensated for with gold offered to central banks on credit. Who was able to give such gold credits? Those same Rothschilds who, without putting in any effort at all, were able to increase their own gold fortune through returned loans – not just the principal of the loan but interest as well. With the gold standard being backed by gold loans, all of the world’s gold was gradually concentrated in the hands of those who had had the most gold at the very beginning. And that was the Rothschilds. Great Britain turned out to be the easiest country to get hooked on the gold standard. After the Napoleonic Wars, the Bank of England was placed under the control of Nathan Rothschild – one of the five sons of Rothschild dynasty founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Then during the course of the 19th century, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Russia, the US and many other countries joined the gold standard one after the other. With breaks for the First and Second World Wars, the gold standard survived to the 1970s. Initially it was the «classic», or gold coin, standard. After the First World War it turned into the gold bullion standard (paper money was only exchanged for standard gold bars) and the gold exchange standard (guaranteeing the exchange of national currencies for currencies which, in turn, could be converted into gold). Following the Second World War, the gold dollar standard existed up to 1971, whereby the US Treasury exchanged dollars for gold. 

The Rothschilds would probably like to once again play the same game they played in the 19th century, a game known as the «gold standard» and which poses no risk to them. It would be impossible to introduce it to every country simultaneously. If the process began successfully in Great Britain two centuries ago, today it seems like China is being regarded as the «pioneer». In every way possible, the Rothschilds are stirring up the Celestial Empire’s gold ambitions, pushing the country to accumulate considerable gold reserves and suggesting that the yuan should be an international currency, but that is only possible if it becomes gold… Obviously, amid the international currency competition, the currency that gets gold-backing will be the absolute winner. In order not to be at a disadvantage, other countries will also be forced to convert their currencies into gold. The Rothschilds know that when imposing a gold standard on the world, the first step will be the most difficult. After that, the whole world will be seized by «gold rush» fever. 

While placing their main bet on China, the Rothschilds are simultaneously planting «seeds» in various parts of the world from which gold standards may sprout over time. By «seeds», we mean statements by political and state representatives about how there is no alternative to the gold standard at present. These statements will then transform into political platforms and movements. Finally, laws will be enacted that legalise gold money. In particular, gold money «seeds» will be planted in Switzerland, where the country’s parliament is currently discussing proposals to introduce the gold franc. In the USA, in the state of Utah, a law has already been passed on gold money, while similar laws are also being discussed in a number of other states. Plans for a «gold dinar» were also ripening in the Muslim world, although due to the West’s use of armed aggression against Libya, this project (which was initiated by Gaddafi) has been aborted. 

Rothschild agents are actively campaigning around the world in favour of a gold standard. As an example, let us take the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States, Alan Greenspan. Long before Greenspan became head of the Federal Reserve, he wrote an article with the extremely significant title «Gold and Economic Freedom» (1966). In 1981, former FRS Chairman Alan Greenspan published a column in the Wall Street Journal in which he argued that the US should back their treasury bonds with gold. The US was incredibly close to returning to the gold standard following the currency crisis of 1979-1980. During his time as FRS chairman (1987-2006), Alan Greenspan stopped advertising his predilection for gold. After leaving the post, however, he resumed campaigning in favour of a return to the gold standard. 

One should also remember the sensational statement made in November 2010 by the head of the World Bank Robert Zoellick regarding the advisability of a return to the gold standard. His colleague at the time meanwhile, International Monetary Fund Director Dominic Strauss-Kahn, although not directly campaigning for the gold standard to be reinstated, still took up a sufficiently critical position regarding the existing dollar system. In other words, he was indirectly playing up to the Rothschilds. Strauss-Kahn also expressed support for Muammar Gaddafi’s endeavours to introduce the gold dinar to Muslim countries. 

The Rothschilds: a major war as a parallel scenario

Another strategic line of the Rothschilds for imposing gold money on the world is the destabilisation of international relations to the point of initiating wars, including world wars. Vladimir Pavlenko, quoted in the previous article, believes that this could happen if China backs out of the gold yuan project: «Without absolutely reliable, 100 percent guarantees in the shape of a «gold-yuan» pairing, complemented in the political sphere by a China-Japan alliance, the Rothschilds will not be able to pull down the dollar and the US – there would be an extremely high risk that the situation would get out of control and then weapons, rather than money, could become the deciding factor». 

The Rothschilds are both good at and fond of initiating wars. Although countries abandon the gold standard during tragic periods of human history, at the same time the role of gold as world money rises sharply. This is inevitable amid a fall in confidence in paper money, a rise in the instability and unpredictability of exchange rates and the fate of individual currencies. We should at the very least remember the First World War. During those years, Russia was desperately in need of weapons and ammunition and tried to get them from its allies. However, the Entente countries preferred to fulfil their allied obligations towards Russia not just in exchange for paper money (which, incidentally, they gave to Russia by way of credits), but secured with gold. Moreover, they required this gold security to be transferred from Russia to the vaults of the Bank of England on the island of Foggy Albion. 

During the Second World War, the US was also able to increase its gold reserves owing to the fact that the country demanded its allies pay for its «services in the fight against Hitler» with monetary gold. Not to mention the fact that for Hitler, gold was the only means of exchange with countries that were not under direct German occupation (in occupied territories, payments were made with the use of clearings, although Germany in fact never paid those debts back). It should also be remembered that the Rothschilds were at the source of the Second World War; they thought they would be able to orchestrate the war and hoped that all the world’s gold would eventually end up in their hands. However, history made some serious corrections to their script, to put it mildly. By 1949, the US accounted for up to 70 percent of the world’s official gold reserves (excluding the USSR and other countries in the «Eastern Bloc»). And this gold primarily strengthened the positions of the Rothschilds’ and Rockefeller’s main competitors. 

I think that the Rothschilds never gave up the most important aspect of their old scenario. Nowadays, the roles have just been assigned to new actors. One of the leading actors in this new version of the old script has to be China. And one must suppose that if the Rothschilds do not manage to convince China to introduce the gold yuan, they will focus on preparing a major war with the involvement of that same China.