Irina Lebedeva
May 28, 2013
© Photo: Public domain

Part I

I was in Boston on September 11, 2001 as well as on April 15 this year when explosive devices went off at the marathon.  As I was there to see the things with my own eyes, I can say for sure that my first impressions were right – by no means the Americans were fast enough  to draw any lessons from the 9/11 tragedy.  

You should know the place you live in. On the one hand, Boston is famous for its unique academic environment and it is populated by educated, nice people, who firmly believe in democratic traditions of their country, have respect for law enforcement agencies and expect them to provide protection. On the other hand, the city is a laboratory for working on the most ominous programs designed to exercise control over the population of the planet… The well-known events occurred in the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) located in Cambridge. The terrorists, who got there somehow, were chased and shots were fired.  The FBI made up a concoction about the Tsarnaev brothers carrying arms, but the story failed to hold water. Few know that for many years MIT has worked on research projects directly related to human behavior under stress, conditions of calamity and emergency. The research has been conducted under the direction of British Tavistock institute. (1) 

Kurt N. Schwartz, who took a new seat as a congressional witness, wears two hats serving as Undersecretary for Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the Executive Office of Public Safety and Director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. His long-winded testimony, posted on the House of Representatives website, looks more like an advertisement offered by a company praising its own production, «As the world watched, first responders, aided by the public, swiftly provided on-scene emergency medical care to those injured from the blasts, and emergency medical services (EMS) partners followed established plans to triage and transport the wounded to area trauma centers. And even as the wounded were being evaluated, treated and transported, tactical and other specialized teams, many of which deployed into Boston under established mutual aid agreements, conducted chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear (CBRN) monitoring in the area, searched for additional explosive devices, deployed to and secured our regional transit systems and other critical infrastructure, and established a large security zone and crime scene perimeter.  The speed with which Boston, supported by the Massachusetts State Police, the National Guard, the Transit Police and dozens of local, regional, state and federal law enforcement agencies and other first responders, evacuated the wounded to hospitals, took control of the crime scene, established a large security perimeter, and established communication with the public, is a testament to homeland security spending and investments in preparedness, training and exercises, effective mutual aid systems, coordinated response systems, and outstanding leadership. I speak with first-hand knowledge of the heroic work done by our public safety team on April 15th and in the following days; I arrived on Boylston Street only minutes after the blasts where I joined city and state command level public safety officials, including Commissioner Ed Davis of the Boston Police Department and Colonel Timothy Alben of the Massachusetts State Police.  And I was still with this team five days later when the last of the suspected terrorists was captured in Watertown».  (2) The evidence provided by Director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency related to the coordination of activities by federal and private security services served as a reply to only some of numerous questions insistently asked by curious journalists. For instance, they wanted to know how Craft International operatives happened to be at the place of the tragedy before the explosive devices went off. Craft International is a private military firm, created by a SEAL veteran, who was a member of the team sent to eliminate Bin Laden.  The firm recruits personnel for «private armies» involved in armed conflicts throughout the whole world.   Dave Lindorff, a reporter, who has rich experience of investigating connections between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Craft International, hit the nail right on the head as he pointed out that, «Speaking as an investigative reporter with almost 40 years of experience, I can say that when government officials won’t talk, they’re generally hiding something embarrassing or worse»» (3). 

Indeed, if Americans have drawn any lessons from 9/11, lack of trust in what official sources say is sure the one. It gave rise to many conjectures boiling down to the idea that the incredibly inhuman acts  allegedly committed by perpetrators coming from outside of the United States could be «home planned» according to «false flag» scenarios.  Hard evidence in support of this assumption produced by Ali Stevenson, a marathon veteran, experienced athlete and merited coach, was swept under the rug. For instance, he was immediately surprised by the presence of security operatives with dogs trained to find explosives at the start of marathon. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Another thing that struck him as unusual was the presence of too many people with military bearing, large piles of bulky military and decontamination equipment. «At the starting line this morning, they had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there. They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise», Ali Stevenson stated. 

Commenting on the Stevenson’s evidence Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley of Veterans Today  said that, «As we’ve seen time and time again, ‘drills’ coinciding with ‘terror attacks’ are a constant theme in the major attacks that have been used to justify the ‘War on Terror’. From September 11th to the London bombings to the active shooter drills in schools near Sandy Hook last December, drills conducted by emergency services that switch from ‘passive exercise’ to ‘real-time active’ mode have proven to be tell-tale signs that leave enormous question marks over the official narratives of events» (4).

They called their article Strategy of Tension – Boston Marathon Bombing. The term is coined by Daniel Genser who has told a story about NATO’s secret weapons in Europe (clandestine operations conducted by NATO in Italy in the years of Cold War aimed at preventing the left-wing forces from coming to power). American writer Webster Tarpley (5)  knows well those who practice «false flag» operations. He also thinks the Boston terrorist acts are part of «strategy of tension».  The same occurred to me upon hearing the first news on the marathon explosions and the announced «exercises» taking place at the same time. It is Webster Tarpley who came out with a detailed and coherent description of the way «exercises» were used in order to disorganize the control over the September 11 events.  Normally media shies away from mentioning the solidly substantiated version of the 9/11 events offered by Webster Tartley in his book called 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
After Boston, or Experimental Volleys of Geopolitical Shrapnel (II)

Part I

I was in Boston on September 11, 2001 as well as on April 15 this year when explosive devices went off at the marathon.  As I was there to see the things with my own eyes, I can say for sure that my first impressions were right – by no means the Americans were fast enough  to draw any lessons from the 9/11 tragedy.  

You should know the place you live in. On the one hand, Boston is famous for its unique academic environment and it is populated by educated, nice people, who firmly believe in democratic traditions of their country, have respect for law enforcement agencies and expect them to provide protection. On the other hand, the city is a laboratory for working on the most ominous programs designed to exercise control over the population of the planet… The well-known events occurred in the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) located in Cambridge. The terrorists, who got there somehow, were chased and shots were fired.  The FBI made up a concoction about the Tsarnaev brothers carrying arms, but the story failed to hold water. Few know that for many years MIT has worked on research projects directly related to human behavior under stress, conditions of calamity and emergency. The research has been conducted under the direction of British Tavistock institute. (1) 

Kurt N. Schwartz, who took a new seat as a congressional witness, wears two hats serving as Undersecretary for Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the Executive Office of Public Safety and Director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. His long-winded testimony, posted on the House of Representatives website, looks more like an advertisement offered by a company praising its own production, «As the world watched, first responders, aided by the public, swiftly provided on-scene emergency medical care to those injured from the blasts, and emergency medical services (EMS) partners followed established plans to triage and transport the wounded to area trauma centers. And even as the wounded were being evaluated, treated and transported, tactical and other specialized teams, many of which deployed into Boston under established mutual aid agreements, conducted chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear (CBRN) monitoring in the area, searched for additional explosive devices, deployed to and secured our regional transit systems and other critical infrastructure, and established a large security zone and crime scene perimeter.  The speed with which Boston, supported by the Massachusetts State Police, the National Guard, the Transit Police and dozens of local, regional, state and federal law enforcement agencies and other first responders, evacuated the wounded to hospitals, took control of the crime scene, established a large security perimeter, and established communication with the public, is a testament to homeland security spending and investments in preparedness, training and exercises, effective mutual aid systems, coordinated response systems, and outstanding leadership. I speak with first-hand knowledge of the heroic work done by our public safety team on April 15th and in the following days; I arrived on Boylston Street only minutes after the blasts where I joined city and state command level public safety officials, including Commissioner Ed Davis of the Boston Police Department and Colonel Timothy Alben of the Massachusetts State Police.  And I was still with this team five days later when the last of the suspected terrorists was captured in Watertown».  (2) The evidence provided by Director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency related to the coordination of activities by federal and private security services served as a reply to only some of numerous questions insistently asked by curious journalists. For instance, they wanted to know how Craft International operatives happened to be at the place of the tragedy before the explosive devices went off. Craft International is a private military firm, created by a SEAL veteran, who was a member of the team sent to eliminate Bin Laden.  The firm recruits personnel for «private armies» involved in armed conflicts throughout the whole world.   Dave Lindorff, a reporter, who has rich experience of investigating connections between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Craft International, hit the nail right on the head as he pointed out that, «Speaking as an investigative reporter with almost 40 years of experience, I can say that when government officials won’t talk, they’re generally hiding something embarrassing or worse»» (3). 

Indeed, if Americans have drawn any lessons from 9/11, lack of trust in what official sources say is sure the one. It gave rise to many conjectures boiling down to the idea that the incredibly inhuman acts  allegedly committed by perpetrators coming from outside of the United States could be «home planned» according to «false flag» scenarios.  Hard evidence in support of this assumption produced by Ali Stevenson, a marathon veteran, experienced athlete and merited coach, was swept under the rug. For instance, he was immediately surprised by the presence of security operatives with dogs trained to find explosives at the start of marathon. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Another thing that struck him as unusual was the presence of too many people with military bearing, large piles of bulky military and decontamination equipment. «At the starting line this morning, they had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there. They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise», Ali Stevenson stated. 

Commenting on the Stevenson’s evidence Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley of Veterans Today  said that, «As we’ve seen time and time again, ‘drills’ coinciding with ‘terror attacks’ are a constant theme in the major attacks that have been used to justify the ‘War on Terror’. From September 11th to the London bombings to the active shooter drills in schools near Sandy Hook last December, drills conducted by emergency services that switch from ‘passive exercise’ to ‘real-time active’ mode have proven to be tell-tale signs that leave enormous question marks over the official narratives of events» (4).

They called their article Strategy of Tension – Boston Marathon Bombing. The term is coined by Daniel Genser who has told a story about NATO’s secret weapons in Europe (clandestine operations conducted by NATO in Italy in the years of Cold War aimed at preventing the left-wing forces from coming to power). American writer Webster Tarpley (5)  knows well those who practice «false flag» operations. He also thinks the Boston terrorist acts are part of «strategy of tension».  The same occurred to me upon hearing the first news on the marathon explosions and the announced «exercises» taking place at the same time. It is Webster Tarpley who came out with a detailed and coherent description of the way «exercises» were used in order to disorganize the control over the September 11 events.  Normally media shies away from mentioning the solidly substantiated version of the 9/11 events offered by Webster Tartley in his book called 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.
