Valentin Katasonov
January 23, 2013
© Photo: Public domain

Every year the financial world becomes more and more turbulent. There are sharp fluctuations in the stock market index, highly volatile exchange rates, massive bank failures, sudden cross-border movements of «hot» money in the tens and hundreds of billions of dollars, and generally increased instability in the global financial system. Information attacks play a huge role in maintaining the global financial system in this state, by throwing breaking news at the information space, often of a shocking nature…

In general, these attacks are:

– Directed against existing financial institutions;

– Directly or indirectly aimed at destruction and / or radical restructuring;

– Contain a variety of information (mostly of an insider nature), compromising these institutions;

– Appeal to wider society, objectively using people's existing discontent with the current financial system.

These kinds of information attacks are a relatively recent phenomenon, and they emerged from the financial crisis of 2008-2009. The main targets of these attacks are the U.S. Federal Reserve and its constituents (the Federal Reserve banks, especially the Federal Reserve Bank of New York). Other targets are the largest banks, directly related to the Federal Reserve as the main recipients of loans from the Fed and the (probable) main shareholders of this private corporation. To some extent, other financial institutions began to be exposed to information attacks – Japan's central bank, and the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (the media call it the «club of central banks»).

To determine who is actually making these attacks is not easy. The external attackers appear to be «lone partisans «: independent journalists, lawyers, social activists, ex-military, bankers, economists, etc. Usually they claim that their publications and documents (such as lawsuits) are made on the basis of «insider» information. Some have quite an extensive network of agents and informants. However, it is easy to see that the «lone partisans” know each other, share information and plan joint actions. Here, apparently, we should speak of a network. You can hear that the «lone partisans” rely on a broad network of supporters, particularly in the state apparatus. For example, the fact is often suggested that information attacks against the Federal Reserve and «banksters» (bankers, gangsters) are made with the support of some of the staff of the U.S. Secretary of Defense.

As to the character of the material thrown in such attacks, it is, as a rule, different kinds of investigative journalism, class actions prepared by unknown lawyers, copies of previously unknown documents (financial statements, contracts, international agreements), securities (bonds, certificates), photos of gold stored in secret and antique chests storing unknown valuable documents, etc. Usually in these materials previously released information is supplemented with shocking new data, and all of this together is directed against the Federal Reserve, associated banks and the «cover up» in the structures of power in the U.S. government.

The following names just some of the material published that has formed the basis of information attacks against the Federal Reserve and banksters. All of them are available on the Internet and have been for a period of just over a year – from the autumn of 2011 to the present day.

1. A series of publications by the famous American esoteric David Wilcock under the title «Financial Tyranny: Defeating the greatest cover-up of all time.» It also includes other articles by the author about the Federal Reserve, the global financial system, and so-called black gold (gold, which does not appear in official statistics and the accounts of central banks and other institutions). At the time of the appearance of the «Financial Tyranny» series on the web(the first part was published in December 2011), David Wilcock was well «promoted» and was well known as the author of numerous works on esoteric topics, organized under the title «Divine Cosmos.»

2. Publications associated with the speech made on February 16th, 2012 in the British Parliament by businessman, industrialist and former chief adviser to the Conservative Party, Lord David Noel James, Baron James of Blackheath on the secret transfer of funds from the Federal Reserve Bank to HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland and the twenty largest European banks. The total volume of these secret transactions is not reflected in the financial statistics of international organizations and financial reports of the banks and amounts to about $ 15 trillion.

3. Statements in the media by the editor of the site «Veterans Today» Gordon Duff (Marine Corps veteran of the U.S. Army), which confirmed the charges by Lord James against the Fed and claiming that he has more than 2,000 pages of documents disclosing details of the 15 trillion dollars fraud. An interesting part of his publications is that Duff provides information about a secret CIA financial fund, created in the Cold War years and used to actively undermine the Soviet Union. This fund still exists today, and its resources, according to Duff, are measured in trillions of dollars.

4. An anonymous publication by the «White Hat Group”, which confirms the allegations made by Lord Blackheath against the Federal Reserve (this group, according to some, supplied Lord James with the necessary information.)

5. A lawsuit against businesses and individuals in one way or another connected with the Fed, filed on November 23rd, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York by Neil Keenan. Keenan, was acting as representative of an anonymous group of people of Chinese origin, code-named the Dragon Family. Numerous comments and materials were published to supplement the Dragon Family claim. The claim of the lawsuit requires that the Federal Reserve must return the gold, which at one time was given to them by rich Chinese families (Dragon Family). The evidence in the hands of these families in their claim against the Fed is nominally valued in billions of dollars. If the claims are calculated in gold equivalent, it is in the hundreds of thousands of tons of the yellow metal.

6. Publications by Benjamin Fulford, the former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of «Forbes» magazine, which reveals the existence of a parallel global financial world, created decades ago with the assistance of the Fed. It also explains many oddities of global finance and global policy in the struggle between two factions – the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. While many of Fulford’s publications relate to an earlier period, his inside information only became widely known in the past year. This is thanks to the efforts of the above-mentioned David Wilcock.

7. Publications containing various comments and interpretations of the results of research scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (the results were made public in the autumn of 2011). We are talking about the computer processing of large volumes of information on tens of millions of companies around the world (2007 Orbis database). The result revealed the «core» of the world economy, which consists of 147 multinational corporations, closely related by cross shareholdings. Most of these corporations are in the banking sector. It is noted that in fact it is a consolidated banking «core» that is manipulating not only the economy, but also all aspects of life on the planet.

8. Numerous publications in connection with the disclosure of the global banking scam to manipulate LIBOR interest rates in the credit market. In June 2012, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (an independent organization under the Department of Justice, dealing with financial investigation) filed charges against Barclays Bank in connection with the manipulation of interest rates. After some time as a result of independent investigations, a global scale fraud was revealed: it turned out that a giant banking cartel operates in the world, at the heart of which is the Federal Reserve.

9. A new wave of publications related to an event, which took place in June 2009. Then, on the border with Switzerland, the Italian police Guardia Italiana di Finanza arrested two Japanese traveling to Switzerland, in one of their cases there were U.S. Treasury securities in the amount of 134.5 billion dollars. The papers were in bearer form. At first, the Italians declared them to be fakes, and then they recognized that the paper was real. In 2009, the world media reported and commented very sparingly on the event. During the last year the story was «revived» and became «untwisted» to fit into the Dragon Family lawsuit.

10. Countless media reports in late 2012 that allegedly the lease period for the U.S. Federal Reserve «printing press» is due to expire (stating that in adopting the in law in December 1913 for the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Congress gave private bankers the right to issue money for 99 years). Publications on the subject are very colorful; they differently explain the legal basis of the 99 years lease term, even if they differ in the description of the consequences of stopping the Fed’s «printing press». However, most authors describe these effects as the «end of the world.»

11. At the end of October 2012, information about the collective lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Supreme Court by law firm Spire Law Group, LLP was thrown into the mix. The claim was made by a group of American taxpayers and mortgage debtors. The defendants in it are some important U.S. government officials (some now in power, and those who previously held the positions), and all U.S. banks and bankers. The amount in dispute is an unprecedented 43 trillion dollars. That was the sum the plaintiffs estimate U.S. banks have moved out from the U.S. economy and put in various offshore funds.

* * *

Even if this partial list of information attacks made on the Federal Reserve and other elements of the global financial system in the last year looks impressive, some of the common features of the information cast deserve our attention.

1. All of them are a mixture of real facts and all sorts of sensational speculation. The credence given to the evident facts is, as a rule, based on the credibility of these materials. The conspiratorial nature of the information leads to an increased interest in it.

2. Sensational information is usually based on documents, the accuracy of which can be neither confirmed nor refuted without special expertise. Such expertise has never been used, although all the technical and legal basis for its implementation is available.

3. It is suspicious that many of the documents came to the attention of the world community only in the last year or two. If these documents do exist (and many of them date back to the first half of the twentieth century), they probably would have already been taken advantage of.

4. Some of the «sensation» does not require any special expertise, and is obviously designed for gullible people. For example, the publications about the amount of so-called «black» gold which is estimated to be more than 2 million metric tonnes, are just talk and do not tally with the official statistics for the world’s mined gold. Any gold specialist (pertaining to the fields of geology, mining, gold refining, gold trading, etc.) will tell you that this figure is a fantasy. Real reserves of gold accumulated in the world exceed this figure by an order of magnitude.

5. Much of the material thrown into the information space is extremely sloppily composed. Often there is confusion in the orders of the numbers (on different pages of the same document millions, billions, or trillions of dollars can be mentioned). You can see that there is a limited knowledge of historical realities. For example, some materials refer to the operations of the Federal Reserve with Chinese gold in 1938, and in more recent times. However, on April 5th, 1933 the newly elected U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt signed a decree that all the gold of individuals and banks that were part of the Fed, was to be transferred to the U.S. Treasury. If that is true, then has the Fed violated a presidential decree? Such violations are not like looking for a «needle in a haystack”…

In general, the instability of the evidence on which the information attacks by «lone partisans» against the Federal Reserve are based, is obvious. However, the Fed's real sins and crimes go through the roof. There are more than enough legitimate reasons to close this private shop. This raises the questions: what are the reasons and who is the real organizer (or contractor) behind these information attacks? There are many versions. Starting from the version that it is merely the desire of individuals within the group of «lone partisans» to express themselves in cyberspace, and ending with the version that the attacks represent a continuous power struggle between the world's financial clans, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, that has now passed in to an acute phase.

Some analysts cautiously suggest that these information attacks are part of a conspiracy of senior members of the American military, who oppose the banksters’ adventurism, which is destroying the integrity of the United States.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
What is behind the information attacks on the FED?

Every year the financial world becomes more and more turbulent. There are sharp fluctuations in the stock market index, highly volatile exchange rates, massive bank failures, sudden cross-border movements of «hot» money in the tens and hundreds of billions of dollars, and generally increased instability in the global financial system. Information attacks play a huge role in maintaining the global financial system in this state, by throwing breaking news at the information space, often of a shocking nature…

In general, these attacks are:

– Directed against existing financial institutions;

– Directly or indirectly aimed at destruction and / or radical restructuring;

– Contain a variety of information (mostly of an insider nature), compromising these institutions;

– Appeal to wider society, objectively using people's existing discontent with the current financial system.

These kinds of information attacks are a relatively recent phenomenon, and they emerged from the financial crisis of 2008-2009. The main targets of these attacks are the U.S. Federal Reserve and its constituents (the Federal Reserve banks, especially the Federal Reserve Bank of New York). Other targets are the largest banks, directly related to the Federal Reserve as the main recipients of loans from the Fed and the (probable) main shareholders of this private corporation. To some extent, other financial institutions began to be exposed to information attacks – Japan's central bank, and the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (the media call it the «club of central banks»).

To determine who is actually making these attacks is not easy. The external attackers appear to be «lone partisans «: independent journalists, lawyers, social activists, ex-military, bankers, economists, etc. Usually they claim that their publications and documents (such as lawsuits) are made on the basis of «insider» information. Some have quite an extensive network of agents and informants. However, it is easy to see that the «lone partisans” know each other, share information and plan joint actions. Here, apparently, we should speak of a network. You can hear that the «lone partisans” rely on a broad network of supporters, particularly in the state apparatus. For example, the fact is often suggested that information attacks against the Federal Reserve and «banksters» (bankers, gangsters) are made with the support of some of the staff of the U.S. Secretary of Defense.

As to the character of the material thrown in such attacks, it is, as a rule, different kinds of investigative journalism, class actions prepared by unknown lawyers, copies of previously unknown documents (financial statements, contracts, international agreements), securities (bonds, certificates), photos of gold stored in secret and antique chests storing unknown valuable documents, etc. Usually in these materials previously released information is supplemented with shocking new data, and all of this together is directed against the Federal Reserve, associated banks and the «cover up» in the structures of power in the U.S. government.

The following names just some of the material published that has formed the basis of information attacks against the Federal Reserve and banksters. All of them are available on the Internet and have been for a period of just over a year – from the autumn of 2011 to the present day.

1. A series of publications by the famous American esoteric David Wilcock under the title «Financial Tyranny: Defeating the greatest cover-up of all time.» It also includes other articles by the author about the Federal Reserve, the global financial system, and so-called black gold (gold, which does not appear in official statistics and the accounts of central banks and other institutions). At the time of the appearance of the «Financial Tyranny» series on the web(the first part was published in December 2011), David Wilcock was well «promoted» and was well known as the author of numerous works on esoteric topics, organized under the title «Divine Cosmos.»

2. Publications associated with the speech made on February 16th, 2012 in the British Parliament by businessman, industrialist and former chief adviser to the Conservative Party, Lord David Noel James, Baron James of Blackheath on the secret transfer of funds from the Federal Reserve Bank to HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland and the twenty largest European banks. The total volume of these secret transactions is not reflected in the financial statistics of international organizations and financial reports of the banks and amounts to about $ 15 trillion.

3. Statements in the media by the editor of the site «Veterans Today» Gordon Duff (Marine Corps veteran of the U.S. Army), which confirmed the charges by Lord James against the Fed and claiming that he has more than 2,000 pages of documents disclosing details of the 15 trillion dollars fraud. An interesting part of his publications is that Duff provides information about a secret CIA financial fund, created in the Cold War years and used to actively undermine the Soviet Union. This fund still exists today, and its resources, according to Duff, are measured in trillions of dollars.

4. An anonymous publication by the «White Hat Group”, which confirms the allegations made by Lord Blackheath against the Federal Reserve (this group, according to some, supplied Lord James with the necessary information.)

5. A lawsuit against businesses and individuals in one way or another connected with the Fed, filed on November 23rd, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York by Neil Keenan. Keenan, was acting as representative of an anonymous group of people of Chinese origin, code-named the Dragon Family. Numerous comments and materials were published to supplement the Dragon Family claim. The claim of the lawsuit requires that the Federal Reserve must return the gold, which at one time was given to them by rich Chinese families (Dragon Family). The evidence in the hands of these families in their claim against the Fed is nominally valued in billions of dollars. If the claims are calculated in gold equivalent, it is in the hundreds of thousands of tons of the yellow metal.

6. Publications by Benjamin Fulford, the former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of «Forbes» magazine, which reveals the existence of a parallel global financial world, created decades ago with the assistance of the Fed. It also explains many oddities of global finance and global policy in the struggle between two factions – the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. While many of Fulford’s publications relate to an earlier period, his inside information only became widely known in the past year. This is thanks to the efforts of the above-mentioned David Wilcock.

7. Publications containing various comments and interpretations of the results of research scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (the results were made public in the autumn of 2011). We are talking about the computer processing of large volumes of information on tens of millions of companies around the world (2007 Orbis database). The result revealed the «core» of the world economy, which consists of 147 multinational corporations, closely related by cross shareholdings. Most of these corporations are in the banking sector. It is noted that in fact it is a consolidated banking «core» that is manipulating not only the economy, but also all aspects of life on the planet.

8. Numerous publications in connection with the disclosure of the global banking scam to manipulate LIBOR interest rates in the credit market. In June 2012, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (an independent organization under the Department of Justice, dealing with financial investigation) filed charges against Barclays Bank in connection with the manipulation of interest rates. After some time as a result of independent investigations, a global scale fraud was revealed: it turned out that a giant banking cartel operates in the world, at the heart of which is the Federal Reserve.

9. A new wave of publications related to an event, which took place in June 2009. Then, on the border with Switzerland, the Italian police Guardia Italiana di Finanza arrested two Japanese traveling to Switzerland, in one of their cases there were U.S. Treasury securities in the amount of 134.5 billion dollars. The papers were in bearer form. At first, the Italians declared them to be fakes, and then they recognized that the paper was real. In 2009, the world media reported and commented very sparingly on the event. During the last year the story was «revived» and became «untwisted» to fit into the Dragon Family lawsuit.

10. Countless media reports in late 2012 that allegedly the lease period for the U.S. Federal Reserve «printing press» is due to expire (stating that in adopting the in law in December 1913 for the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Congress gave private bankers the right to issue money for 99 years). Publications on the subject are very colorful; they differently explain the legal basis of the 99 years lease term, even if they differ in the description of the consequences of stopping the Fed’s «printing press». However, most authors describe these effects as the «end of the world.»

11. At the end of October 2012, information about the collective lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Supreme Court by law firm Spire Law Group, LLP was thrown into the mix. The claim was made by a group of American taxpayers and mortgage debtors. The defendants in it are some important U.S. government officials (some now in power, and those who previously held the positions), and all U.S. banks and bankers. The amount in dispute is an unprecedented 43 trillion dollars. That was the sum the plaintiffs estimate U.S. banks have moved out from the U.S. economy and put in various offshore funds.

* * *

Even if this partial list of information attacks made on the Federal Reserve and other elements of the global financial system in the last year looks impressive, some of the common features of the information cast deserve our attention.

1. All of them are a mixture of real facts and all sorts of sensational speculation. The credence given to the evident facts is, as a rule, based on the credibility of these materials. The conspiratorial nature of the information leads to an increased interest in it.

2. Sensational information is usually based on documents, the accuracy of which can be neither confirmed nor refuted without special expertise. Such expertise has never been used, although all the technical and legal basis for its implementation is available.

3. It is suspicious that many of the documents came to the attention of the world community only in the last year or two. If these documents do exist (and many of them date back to the first half of the twentieth century), they probably would have already been taken advantage of.

4. Some of the «sensation» does not require any special expertise, and is obviously designed for gullible people. For example, the publications about the amount of so-called «black» gold which is estimated to be more than 2 million metric tonnes, are just talk and do not tally with the official statistics for the world’s mined gold. Any gold specialist (pertaining to the fields of geology, mining, gold refining, gold trading, etc.) will tell you that this figure is a fantasy. Real reserves of gold accumulated in the world exceed this figure by an order of magnitude.

5. Much of the material thrown into the information space is extremely sloppily composed. Often there is confusion in the orders of the numbers (on different pages of the same document millions, billions, or trillions of dollars can be mentioned). You can see that there is a limited knowledge of historical realities. For example, some materials refer to the operations of the Federal Reserve with Chinese gold in 1938, and in more recent times. However, on April 5th, 1933 the newly elected U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt signed a decree that all the gold of individuals and banks that were part of the Fed, was to be transferred to the U.S. Treasury. If that is true, then has the Fed violated a presidential decree? Such violations are not like looking for a «needle in a haystack”…

In general, the instability of the evidence on which the information attacks by «lone partisans» against the Federal Reserve are based, is obvious. However, the Fed's real sins and crimes go through the roof. There are more than enough legitimate reasons to close this private shop. This raises the questions: what are the reasons and who is the real organizer (or contractor) behind these information attacks? There are many versions. Starting from the version that it is merely the desire of individuals within the group of «lone partisans» to express themselves in cyberspace, and ending with the version that the attacks represent a continuous power struggle between the world's financial clans, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, that has now passed in to an acute phase.

Some analysts cautiously suggest that these information attacks are part of a conspiracy of senior members of the American military, who oppose the banksters’ adventurism, which is destroying the integrity of the United States.