
Yuriy Rubtsov

Doctor of History, Professor at the Military University, Russian Ministry of Defense

all articles

December 26, 2019
From Colluding With Hitler Against the USSR to an Anti-Hitler Coalition

Regardless of the anti-Soviet rhetoric coming out of the London salons, the British increasingly realised that the USSR was the only Old World country capable of providing them with real help in their fight against Hitler.

May 8, 2018
75 years Ago: 1943 – the Year the Tide Turned in the World War II

The defeat of Nazi troops in Kursk, along with the liberation of right-bank Ukraine from the occupying Axis forces, clearly demonstrated the inevitability of the Third Reich’s demise.

October 5, 2016
Why Deterring ‘Unprecedentedly Terrible Nuclear Attacks’Is Now on the Pentagon’s Agenda

Speaking at Minot Air Force Base (North Dakota) on Monday, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter accused Russia of «nuclear saber-rattling» and argued that even though the Cold War is long over, the US Army still needs nuclear weapons to deter Russia and other potential aggressors from thinking they could get away with a nuclear attack…

July 12, 2016
NATO’s Existence Cannot Be Justified

The propaganda coming from the West is doing its utmost to convince the world that – given the growth of the «existential threat» posed by Russia (in the words of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford) – only Euro-Atlantic solidarity can guarantee the world’s stability. And the political and military leaders of the alliance are stubbornly clinging to their claim of its purely defensive character…

April 29, 2016
USS Donald Cook: Mission in Baltic Sea

«It is reckless. It is provocative. It is dangerous», said US State Secretary John Kerry describing the incident when the guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) was buzzed by a pair of Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer fighters in the Baltic Sea on April 11, 2016.

February 1, 2016
US to Preserve Freedom of Action in Space

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. That’s what the United States does when it comes to weaponization of space. The Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller confirmed this fact again in a recent statement. According to her, the United States is concerned that treaties proposed by Russia and China to address the weapons in space are not verifiable…

January 9, 2016
Declassified: US Cold War Plan to Nuke USSR and Its Allies

At the end of 2015 the US National Security Archive published a declassified document from 1950s listing nuclear strike targets on the territory of the USSR and its allied countries. It listed 1,200 cities from Eastern Germany in the west to China in the east. Moscow topped the list with Leningrad (St. Petersburg) to follow: there were 179 «designated ground zeros» for atomic bombs in Moscow and 145 in St. Petersburg. The nuclear weapons would have ranged from 1.7 to 9 megatons (for comparison, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, codenamed Little Boy, was roughly 0.013-0.018 megatons)…

December 12, 2015
Nuclear Weapons Remain

Two messages have popped up on the news feed, one right after the other: on Dec. 7 in Seoul at the Conference on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for the destruction of all nuclear weapons in the world, while almost simultaneously, Poland’s deputy defense minister, Tomasz Szatkowski, announced that Warsaw is considering asking NATO to station American nuclear weapons on Polish soil…

December 1, 2015
NATO’s Role in Military Activities Control and Confidence Building Measures in Europe

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for modernizing the European «rule-book» in his article published in several European newspapers (Le Figaro, El Pais, La Repubblica, Le Soir, Die Welt, Tages-Anzeiger, and Tribune de Genève) on Thursday, 26 November 2015…

November 23, 2015
Unavoidable Punishment: Nuremberg Trials Seventieth Anniversary

Those who resort to force, real or imaginary, and violence to subjugate other nations have failed to learn well the lessons of history. Be it the bombings of former Yugoslavia, the wars in Iraq and Libya, the neo-Nazi regime coming to power in Ukraine or nurturing terrorist groups in Syria – there are always specific people who initiate, finance and carry out the crimes against peace and humanity. They should remember the lessons of Nuremberg war crimes trials held 70 years ago…
