Tatiana Obrenovic

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The horrific – though largely hidden – reality of the U.S.-led NATO pretend wars against terrorism is essentially a war against humanity, Tatiana Obrenovic writes.

The pseudo-democratic doctrine undoubtedly will bear some part of the blame for the moral and cultural demise facing the US, which will most probably take the whole Western world down with it.

An ever-growing number of politicians in Germany and EU want to turn the clock back to the way things used to be ‘pre-conflict in Ukraine’ days.

Dado que el estrecho monitoreo en línea (vigilancia en línea) ahora comienza a temprana edad, la higiene digital debe ser bien cuidada desde la temprana edad del individuo.

The Battle of Bakhmut represents the most hard-fought battle and abhorrent bloodbath the world has not seen in the last 80 years.

The fact that U.S. media’s “truth” turns out to be “untruth” does not matter after it has conveniently served its purpose.

The drama of Russia is that Russia does not understand the West. Thus, there emerges that continual consternation by Russian politicians at the (political) moves of the West at the global scene.

This article is based on the lecture by historian Milorad Vukasinovic presented at KCNS, Serbia.

This article is based on the Sputnik interview with Dušan Kovačević, a renowned Serbian dramatist, film director, screenwriter, author and academic.

Serbia should understand that it could and must take off the straitjacket the West put on it with its generous assistance.