
John Lewis

Independent analyst and researcher

all articles

January 21, 2012
«US Duel Track Engagement Policy» Towards Russia

January 16 – 20 was the first working week of Michael McFaul, the new US ambassador to Russia.  He had a whole series of formal and informal meetings. His get together behind close doors with Russia’s «non-systematic» opposition, emotionally inadequate speech at the Gaidar’s forum called «Russia and World: 2012-2020», as well as social networks statements made literally the very first days he took office gave rise to  unconcealed outrage and even indignation in Moscow’s social and political circles. What mission the new fledged ambassador is going to perform? Who’s interests it’s going to serve? What’s the purpose of his coming to Russia? And actually is he really an ambassador…

January 8, 2012
Ambassador with diploma in «color revolution»

US National Security Senior Director of Russian and Eurasian Affairs until recently, Michael McFaul, a 48 year old Stanford University professor, was appointed US ambassador to Russia at the end of last year. He’s widely known as someone who initiated the “reset” Russian policy but not only. A long time Russia scholar, he has written about 20 books and many articles about Russian internal politics. At he same time, the newly fledged ambassador has rich experience in organizing color revolution in the post Soviet space…