Erkin Oncan
Erkin Öncan, Turkish journalist focusing on war zones and social movements around the world.
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In the absence of a genuine center-left, these discontented masses are turning to far-right figures and parties as a solution.
Developments in Armenia carry significant clues about the future of the broader region.
Il circolo vizioso delle difficoltà economiche, dei disordini sociali e della polarizzazione politica potrebbe diventare una minaccia che mina l’unità dell’Europa nel suo complesso.
The vicious cycle of economic hardships, social unrest, and political polarization could become a threat that undermines Europe’s unity as a whole.
The roughly 350,000-vote difference between Georgescu and his closest competitor underscores the growing appeal of right-wing populist skepticism toward Europe.
The decision by the German state, above all, raises questions about the concept of “freedom of expression,” frequently referenced in Western democracies.
The biggest promise of the Vilnius government to its people is war and destruction.
The U.S. aims to adjust Serbia’s alignment, which has been drifting closer to Russia and China, and bring it back in line with Western interests, especially ahead of a potential conflict that could spread across Europe.
The Western camp led by NATO, which has not achieved what it hoped for from Ukraine, has no other choice but to escalate the war to the next phase unless it wants to sit down at the negotiating table.
The Gagauz people do not capture the attention of Turkish “nationalism” because the Gagauz leadership represents a “Turkishness” with good relations with Russia and deep historical and cultural ties to the Russian world.