
Elena Ponomareva

Doctor of Political Science, Professor at the Moscow-based MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry

all articles

February 3, 2017
Is Trump Unpredictable? The View from Russia – 2

…As far as Russia is concerned, Trump’s arrival mostly opens a window of opportunity. While the US digests its thick broth of globalisation, brought to the boil by Obama, Russia will be able to solve a few of its own problems. The most important thing is that it has a clear understanding of these problems, and a clear understanding of America’s new strategy. And with such an understanding, there will be no «unpredictability».

October 23, 2016
The Cold War of the American Elite

The real goal during the final debate on Oct. 19 was to win the hearts of anyone left who is still entirely unacquainted with the concept of «electioneering». Clinton brought up every talking point that is a hot button for Americans of ordinary means or even perhaps living in poverty, while Trump, who is certainly no champion of the middle or lower classes, is prepared to fight for the interests of Republicans. It’s no wonder he’s called «the last hope for white America»…

September 11, 2015
As Europe Sows, So Shall It Reap

The news coming out of Europe lately is becoming increasingly reminiscent of reports from the front line. In Austria, Germany, Hungary, Macedonia and Serbia, police are clashing with illegal immigrants, hundreds of thousands of whom have made a beeline for Europe. A number of governments are considering using their armies and even NATO Response Forces to protect their borders, but this, together with the possible collapse of Schengen and the construction of walls along the borders of national states, will not save Europe…

September 20, 2014
SCO Dushanbe Summit and Asian Politics

Founded in 2001, the SCO is covering about three-fifths of the Eurasia land mass and accounting for 14.9 percent of the global economic output. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit held from Sept. 11 to 12 focused on issues of anti-terrorism and regional security and saw the signing of the Dushanbe Declaration. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) groups Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It also has Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan as its observers, and Belarus, Turkey and Sri Lanka as dialogue partners.

May 27, 2014
European Parliament Elections: Old Continent Turning Right

The European Parliament is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union. On May 22-25, 2014 it held its first election after the Lisbon Treaty came into force on December 1, 2009… The election will go down in history as a stunning gain for Eurosceptics – the far-right demanding to curtail immigration flows, restore national boundaries and return the sovereignty of state. They want to leave the eurozone and adopt independent economic policy… The turn for the right in many EU member states reflects the rejection of globalist policy aimed at elimination of European traditional values related to the Christian faith, family and national homeland…

April 19, 2014
Crimea Reunited with Russia: First «Direct Line» with Vladimir Putin

The TV-broadcast Direct Line has no analogues in the world. It started on December 21, 2001 when Russia changed along with the whole world. The reunification with Crimea has become a momentous event, probably the most important one since those days. It happened against the background of Ukraine’s crisis dragging the country into chaos and confrontation. Naturally, Ukraine was in the focus of the event that took place on April 17…

April 8, 2014
Mission Possible: Russian Diplomacy after Crimea

The pressure the West is putting on Russia, not wanting to acknowledge the results of the Crimean referendum, continues, but at the same time they are realizing that what has happened is irrevocable… The reunification of Crimea and Russia marks a Rubicon from which a change in the entire picture of international relations cannot but begin. Of course, some may threaten Moscow, saying that it «will have to pay for everything», but this does not eliminate the fact that U.S. hegemony is becoming a thing of the past, while Russia is becoming established in the top league of world politics as a state which clearly understands its own strategic interests and is capable of confidently protecting them.

March 2, 2014
Ukraine on Radar Screen of World Politics

Ukraine is in trouble. The monster has woken up and got out of its den to stand upright and go, its dirty feet trampling the beautiful and abundant Ukrainian soil, any dissent quashed mercilessly. The ugly mug opened its stinking mouth as blood of victims is dropping down; the creature is looking for more preys to gobble. The name of the beast is nationalism in its most perverted form with its roots going down to fascist ideology. How come it has taken place? Who has taken care and fed the creature during all the years? Who has fostered the destructive shoots of national exceptionalism, hatred, intolerance? For whom the Maidan bell tolls?..

September 17, 2013
The Genesis of the Syrian Crisis and the Perpetual War of the U.S.

The genesis of the Syrian crisis arises from the very nature of U.S. hegemony. However, why has Washington aimed for a "final resolution" of the Syrian issue right now? Why did they resort to their tried and true scheme of provocation? And why did they prepare so poorly? The staged nature of the video footage fobbed off on the world as "proof" of a chemical attack supposedly perpetrated by the Syrian army was obvious practically the next day!..But the provocateurs did not consider the logic of circumstances. They did not consider the fact that Russia has changed, as has the world. The unipolar system no longer exists, and Moscow no longer reacts to shouts from Washington the same way it did twenty years ago.At the same time, we must admit that the Syrian crisis is far from being resolved. It is only slightly frozen. Ahead lie tense and exhausting diplomatic battles…

December 9, 2012
Iran in the strategic plans of the U.S.

The Iranian issue, which had been pushed aside under the shadow of the U.S. presidential campaign, has once again come to the forefront. On November 30th, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that «the U.S. administration is open to bilateral talks with Iran if Tehran will show a similar willingness to do so»… On November 17 The Washington Post published an article by Henry Kissinger « Iran must be President Obama’s immediate priority», in which, among the most important challenges facing the U.S. president and the one most demanding an urgent solution, he specified stopping Iran's nuclear program…
