
Claudio Gallo

Claudio Gallo is a former La Stampa foreign desk editor and London correspondent. He previously wrote for Asia Times, Enduring America, and His main interests are Middle East politics and Western philosophy.

all articles

February 15, 2022
How Europe Squandered Its Chance to Become a Global Power

EU officials know pretty well what is coming, but the machine is paralysed by political elites still squashed by a post-war mentality.

February 10, 2022
Will Erdogan’s Peacekeeping in Ukraine Work?

His diplomatic stunts appear more aimed to protect his business while the ball is precisely over the net than an actual peace-building process.

February 4, 2022
How American Duplicity on NATO Expansion Ultimately Led to Today’s Crisis

The U.S. Empire has its iron rules, and you cannot expect that it doesn’t use its power to pursue its interests. But the means can vary a lot.

January 31, 2022
How Erosion of Social Cohesion Makes the World a More Dangerous Place

The main characters of the global game are dealing mostly unprepared with the contradictions of the future world, Claudio Gallo writes.

January 18, 2022
An Anatomy of America’s Global Hegemony: What Led to Its Incredible Success and What Will Cause Its Unavoidable Decline

The Pilgrims Fathers’ City upon a Hill loved by Reagan, the image of American exceptionalism is, in reality, The Mint upon a Hill.

December 24, 2021
Meet the Elites of Northern Europe, NATO’s Hardcore Militant

If you want to find the NATO hardcore militant, you have to meet the elites of North Europe, Claudio Gallo writes.