
Carlos Pereyra Mele

Political аnalyst, lecturer, mass-media commentator. Specialization – South American geopolitics. Lives in Cordoba, Argentina.

all articles

July 4, 2012
Parliamentary Coup in Paraguay

In the last couple of days, some of my colleagues have been arguing about the coup in Paraguay Republic, and they stated as follows, M. Riorda said: “Political Science has today included a new and pitiful category: "Parliamentary Coup". Another speaker, D. Zovatto Garetto would describe it: If collective defense mechanisms of democracy, being these regional or sub-regional, are mocked by two of the weakest countries in the region, Honduras and Paraguay, the credibility of the latter is sentenced to death…

April 24, 2012
«Humanitarian» Base of the US Southern Command in Chaco Province of Argentina: Sleeping with the Enemy

This is the alternative we are confronted to by the former national senator and current Governor of Chaco province, Jorge Capitanich, being him for a couple of years the stoker of a «new strategic alliance with USA» (as he mentioned), and which today begins to clearly show its results as the first South military base has just been settled in Argentina, on the basis of a harmless argument of a humanitarian base to be of help under natural catastrophes situations…

March 15, 2012
Tensions Continue Darkening the Middle East and Menace World Peace

…All these events pave the way to an explosive scenario in the Middle East towards the next move which could be an attack or the suffocation, fall, or consolidation of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, key piece in this chess game of world politics in the Middle East…

December 29, 2011
The Malvinas Issue and the South Atlantic

“Malvinas is not just an Argentine issue, but a worldwide cause”. With the above phrase, in the last Mercosur Summit (the trading block that includes Argentine, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay) in Montevideo (December 21), Argentine´s President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (before being appointed chairman of this body) geopolitically summarised the South Atlantic conflict with England…

November 26, 2011
A European Market Blow

Has Italy voted Mario Monti for Berlusconi and Greece gone for Lucas Papademos to replace Papandreu? None was elected in lawful elections, both are former members of European Financial Organizations, academically trained in USA, members of Trilateral Commission and Goldman Sachs, just to say that with them in power the PIIGs are unquestionably under the control of any dictates given by the IMF, CEB, EU. This has already happened in Third World economies, and now it is happening in Europe, being these dictates associated with austerity and privatization…

September 12, 2011
Libya’s Lesson for Latin American People

Until February this year, it seemed that Libya's strong man, Muammar Gaddafi, the “guide” of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (official name of the State of Libya) had managed to overcome the onslaught of the Arab revolution in North Africa and Middle East… But Gaddafi had committed a serious act of indiscipline towards the Western triad when hampering negotiations with North American or British capital companies to extract their energy resources; moreover, he had opened the game with Chinese oil companies and most serious thing was his idea of abandoning the dollar standard for his international transactions which, in the eyes of the traditional world powers, providing today's financial crisis was too much…

July 29, 2011
Drugs, the Empire’s Geopolitical Tool

For years now, the huge U.S. defense budget (it accounts for 50% of all defense budgets in the world) has been well known as their foreign policy tool. However, the funding of U.S. spy agencies, including the CIA and around 16 other bodies, has a dark side related to their funding sources, which are far beyond the control of formal administrations…This “additional funding” is present in the businesses related to the running of drugs…

April 16, 2011
South America and the Caribbean are the scenario where the BRICS challenge the United States

The bilateral trade agreement of China with Latin America rocketed from US$10 billion in 2000 to US$143.4 billion in 2008. During the first nine months of 2010, there was an increase of 68%, according to the ECLAC. China relies on Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, and Venezuela as its main trade partners… This leads us to conclude that the times of United States unipolarity are declining, and that after the tsunami that destroyed the neoliberal ideas, Latin America should take advantage of these times of multipolarity and the changes of the economic paradigms…

February 14, 2011
The South American Decade

The year 2010 came to an end.  It was a year in which most of Latin American countries celebrated the revolutions that led to their independence from the Spanish kingdom (1810). This bicentennial found this South American region with more hope and optimism to face the recently-started 21st century…