Brian Cloughley

British and Australian armies’ veteran, former deputy head of the UN military mission in Kashmir and Australian defense attaché in Pakistan
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The US-NATO military alliance is preparing for war, and the western media are playing its game.

Nobody in their right mind would advocate what is called ‘first use’ of nuclear weapons.

Crimea continues to be calm and any move that could result in acceptance of the peaceful status quo will be either ignored or resisted.

The money rolls in, but it is a strange and murky scene, Brian Cloughley writes.

We can only hope that President Biden will ignore the war fanatics and agree that negotiation is preferable to confrontation.

The world is at risk of having future generations suffering from routine endorsement of governments devoid of decency, morality and simple humanity.

Refugees must be treated with compassion and coal-mining phased out. And conflict must be avoided, Brian Cloughley writes.

The world would benefit enormously if Joe Biden terminated its ascent by coming to terms with China and Russia, Brian Cloughley writes.

The Middle East powder keg will affect us all when that final spark ignites it, Brian Cloughley writes.

Biden may believe that drone strikes contribute to justice and peace, but the effects of these atrocities on the wider world cannot be calculated.